Saturday, November 25, 2006

Turkey Day Frass...

Well, all my blog buddies are typing this here's mine:

Wednesday, post-testing- Clean Clean Clean. Mo came over and did the woodwork and helped make the pumpkin cheesecake. Stayed up until midnight house-frassin.

Thursday: Finished spot cleaning and table setting. Set out much of my paltry food accoutrements. 'Bean finishes his bedroom. We shower. Dorajar shows up at 10. Dad shows up shortly after. We help him unpack his stuff. And there is a lot of it. The first round of cocktails are imbibed. (10:30. Dad couldn't resist the allure of a spicy BM)

11:30- Redwright calls with the news that she and Fred got up late and there wouldn't be bird. The joke is lost when I tell her that we have enough food to choke an army regiment. I'm mildly scolded as to how I'm not fun to tease.

The culprits who done showed there faces: WW and their clan, Mo, RSVP + Co, Mom, Dad, 'Bean, 'Bean's daughter.

Noon on: Booze and food. The casualties: Veggie plate, Hawaiian Sweet Potatoes, 3 different kind of stuffing, shrimp, herring, nuts, yogurt covered pretzels, grilled salmon (w/fresh rosemary, lime /lemon, and garlic.) coffee, sweet potato pie, apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin cheesecake, 3-bean salad, green beans, TWO turkeys (One brined, one not), mashed potatoes, gravy, Cranberry sauce, jello...when does it end?

After bellies were filled, couch spots were appropriated. Mom went to work. RSVP and Co hit the road. Mags and Mo-Mo did dishes. And I started my 3rd beverage. Once the whole of the house cleared, I was able to nap and spit the bit for Eeds to the Prairie for MORE Turkey Day frass at the Palacio del Perry. (Charades, anyone? I'm gonna be a braggy Betty and say that I did, in fact, have the fastest guess/charade time at 7 seconds. Top that bitches.)

Exhaustion set in at 11. I slept the sleep of the dead. And have no recollection of my dreams.


P said...

I may post, at a later date, the age 4 Baby P progress report that RSVP found.

Have I dug Spider Man that long?

Roman said...

Who could resist the allure of a spicy BM?
