Monday, November 06, 2006

Quick Quick Quick Re-cappa!

Called in sick on Friday after feeling kind of frassy. The day did wonders for me, as I was able to clean the house top to bottom in what felt like the first time I was able to do so in AGES!

That night Mo-Mo and I saw "Bug" at the Pillsbury House Teatro'. Great play. Amazing, even. The actor's were fearless. So good, and so terrifying it was that I'm gonna give it the "Requiem for a Dream" stamp and say that it's one of the best plays I never want to see again. We hit Preston's afterward for thingytails and frass and I'll just finish my Friday re-cap with this statement: "I hate the Pooost". Really. Free booze? Yeah. Buh-lotto. Thanks for driving Mo-M0. And sorry for locking you out, 'Bean. I'm a tool. (But now we're even...buh-wah-hah-haaaaa!)

Sats was nursing the hangover-iest hangover in hangoversville- After opting out of a matinee of "Borat", I schlepped out for an epic run to sweat the nasty booze toxins out. I futzed through some more errands before hooking up w/Mi-Mo-Sa and heading to Que Viet Village House to further our investigation into trying/supporting local Nordeast Eateries. (Not bad, btw, and reasonably priced. Pork Egg Rolls the size of a bowling pin.) Then it was off to Stipples to wish NicJoy a happy happy b'day where we were entertained by a frassy kitten, a frassy pampie, and a yuge turkey turkey buck buck. (Is it true? Thanksgiving is in how many weeks?)

Home. Then Bed.

Sunds was Fun-ds. After slowly dragging our buns outta bed, we systematically lost several of the individdles who were going to head out to Block E and watch a matinee of "Borat". Still, we made it:

And it was quite possibly one of the funniest fucking movies I've seen in a long time. Go. See. It. If you have any love of satire. Yeah. That's gonna be a blog for another time.

We coffee shopped it @ Diamond's in order to get our rassin' frassin' studying done before heading back to entertain company at mi casa. Mo, Linzie, Ry-Gonn (Who I hadn't seen in, ohhhhhh, two months?) and the 'Bean broke bread together 'round the dinner table...or rather broke sticky rice and Steamed mixed veggies/lo-mein together before heading up to see the most "meh" movie: "The Ringer". Yes, it was a Johnny Knoxville vehicle (Whatever that means) Yes, it was about a guy trying to jerry-rig the Special Olympics by pretending to be developmentally disabled. Yes, we had a few forced guffaws at some of the jokes. Still, meh. About as good as we expected, just not good enough to recommend.

Back at it, Frassers...WORK!

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