"Baby it's cold, inside?"
Apparently all the boys in "Monty" received these as closing night gifts. (The ladies received burlesque styled "g-strings") They were a gift from the ass't director, aptly named a "Willy Warmer"
You heard me. I didn't really know I was gonna get this until she asked me what my favorite color shade is. I put two pics up so you could get an idea where, you know...you're bits are supposed to go . No. She did not take measurements. She made them all "one size fits most wieners".
Oh, and sorry I didn't get any costume pics (of any costumes) from "Monty". I was gently reminded that posting pictures of me in assless chaps for the world and family to see was...probably not a great idea?
Meh. If I can re-size them correctly, maybe I can find some more photo's of H'ween '06. They aren't much better in terms of their embarrassment factor.
Ugly baby, Frassy Stripper.
You're terrible, Muriel.
I love you both, but if either of you promises to show up anywhere "with bells on," I'm gonna laugh like a moron.
Yeah, the applications of the thing as an actual prophylactic are really limiting. I mean, it isn't really a receptacle as much as an absorber?
And wouldn't it shrink if you wash it? On "delicate" perhaps? Or would the bells rust? So many questions.
MVYPE: My very yummy...
Nope. Even I'm not pervy enough to go there. ; P
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