Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I wore it. Shup. Listened to "Hot Schtuff" close to 89 times that morning. Put on a fake tattoo on my "Davids" (Right next to the hip bone. I picked the Chinese kanji for "courage", which I figured I needed.) Got to the theatre. Went over my blocka-blocking. Put everything on. Did some push-ups and sit-ups backstage before going on. Had a mild panic-attack when I thought the saddle bags were, in fact, hanging loo-right as the song started. (They weren't. At least I don't think they were?) Heard one laugh. Threw my clothes off every which ramshackle way they'd go in what I had hoped would be the semblence of rhythm, sultryness, and practiced skill. (I'm laughing at myself for actually writing that last bit)

And that was that.

Quite liberating. Really. I was told later that the dance was "above adequate". One of the follow spot guys said "No one told me what you were doing, so I just kinda went with it." Which I translate into a whirling dervish of a striptease.

The next day I woke up with what felt like a swollen knee, torn groin muscle going down to said knee, frassy neck, and a sore set of teets + arms. (I did a lot of push ups. A lot.) And shit, I wasn't even in a Jiu Jitsu tournament.

One more show to get it right, then it's off to either Holy Land or the Chutney Indian buffet.


Unknown said...

Pics - where are the pics?

Portana said...

I do believe you can call it the highlight of your career when you have a blue hair saying "ooooooooh" after you ripped off your shirt. Yup, thats the stuff ;-)

Melinite said...

Ogled by the blue-hairs--way to go! :) Glad the first one went well.

P said...

The reason she "Ohhhhhh"'ed is prolly b/c she was having a stroke. And not the good kind. ; P

You wish I'd post pics, dirty.

And Portana? Them sassy sexy seniors are my demographic, yo. Yee Haw for walkers!

Roman said...

Hey, aren't you the naked sole owner of that house guy?

Mom said Mary thought you were great.

P said...

I like how you say "Mom said Mary thought you were great" (b/c mom thought I sucked...LOL!)

I prefer "Soul Owner"

; )

pitdu? What would Brad Pitt do? Angelina Jolie, that's who Pitt'd do.