Saturday, November 25, 2006

Oh, the thing?

Sorry guys. I wish I had better news. I didn't pass the 6. I know I'd been sounding vaguely fatalistic as to my chances of passing the 1st time, but this was one thing I knew for certain. It was a long shot. See, the NASD has a cache' of over 20,000 questions they mix and match to provide a random test sample for the testers. (As a cheat-preventative) My few assurances that the 1st two chapters of the exam guide which were, in fact, the longest and most difficult to navigate would only be (maybe) 2-3 questions? Not so much. I was in the 80-90% range for the last 4 chapters, and not so good on the 1st two. By the tune of 5 questions shy of a pass.

5 fucking questions.

I was pretty bummed, all told. As I was swilling wine over dinner with Mo, she did give me a comfort that I'm gonna stand by:

"Baby, of all the things you could study and test for? This has got to be as far away from your strengths as possible."

True dat. At least I tried. And get two more chances to try before I lose my job.

Oh, anyone have any openings for an energetic go-getter that pays over $40K and is a little closer to my home- lemme know.



Roman said...

Lil' Brother,

Send me your CV and what kind of thing you're looking for and I'll see if we have any openings.


Roman said...

Oh yeah, don't sweat the 5 questions.

The 6 is a extremely difficult test. Just study up on things so you don't lose anything and remember, the next time you take it you'll likely get easier questions.

I once took a test and got a 47% on it. Simply because most of the questions were on the one topic I wasn't really solid on. I immediately retook the test and passed. Again, don't sweat it.
