Why I have a break apart suit hanging by the front door, facing certain death by going onstage in front of a matinee crowd filled with blue hairs, my SO, family etc...in pretty much a degrading pair of leopard print undiepants?
Oh. Right. That obnoxious trait where you imagine yourself as a "hero" that swings in and saves the day when you get a phone call that says "Hey, can you help us out?" Pshaw.
Is it weird that I think doing a show where full on nudity is involved (and part of the story, ala' "Take me Out", "Bug", or "Bent") isn't a big deal, and this show (where I at least have a modicum of coverage) feels kind of weird?
Probably. Meh.
No worries.
ALTHOUGH! It has given rise (heh heh) to a very funny idea for a Christmas Card!
Informal Poll. (GET ON MY INFORMAL POLE!!!!!)
Should my X-mas card be either:
A) Me in the a$$less chaps/cowboy stripper ensemble with a piece of paper held over me bits that says "Happy Holidays!" OR-
B) Me dressed as Santa, fighting a Ninja.
I have a feeling I know who's gonna answer what.
where as both are excelent ideas...and I would totally play the ninja...I have to go with the first option, stripper gear....now thats class....;)
Santa is a ninja. How else does he break into and out of people's houses with out being detected decade after decade?
And stripper. Dad'll love it.
How come you can't be a stripper fighting a the Ninja Santa?
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