Wednesday, November 01, 2006

H'ween Post-Mortem

November already? November November. "Remember remember the fifth of November"...which is also Redwright's anniversary. Happy early Anniversary, love!

Okay, making a little too much with the freestyling here.


Tour season is over, which means I can get my lazy weekends back. Sadly, I'd been so busy lately I hadn't even any time to decorate for the season, or even carve up the two punkin's I bought. (The decorating bit really breaks the heart, readers- Esp. those who recall me frassin' over how much my family used to love to decorate the hell outta our house when RSvP and I were younger. ) This was esp. chagrinning due to the fact that a majority of our old props found their way into my possession (Masks, Skeleton's, strobe lights, etc) and were left unused. In fact, I don't think I've been able to gung-ho decorate for many many years. Boo.

It doubly pained me, since it was also my "late night" at work which meant I was stuck at the office until just after 6pm, missing many of the early tricker treaters. HOWEVER, after picking up some nibbles and rushing home, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that the 'Bean had gotten into some of the props and set up the skellytons and strobe lights looking out our front window. He encouraged kids to "ring the scary doorbell" every time they knocked instead of buzzing. (It's set to "scary organ/scream". Heh. I know a lotta folks who would scream at my scary organ...HEY OHHHHHH! Go see "Monty")

Mo came over and helped hand out candy to all the buttons who came over, which was funny since the three of us, w/o realizing we did it- ended up making sort of a rotation as to who answered the door. Last call for candy was 8:30pm, and that was that. No fuss, no muss. Another We'en bites the dust. 'Bean and I made a pact that next year we'd slay'em with a hella good display. I may even get me wunna them there new-fangled fog machines.

Can you imagine trying to kink it up in the bedroom with one of those things? Mopeppa and I were frassin about that after unsuccessfully searching for adult baby costumes this weekend at Party City.

"You get a strobe in the bedroom and kick on the fog machine and you'd be like 'Cough-Cough...accckk. Where are you? Marco? Pooooolo! I can't see you to undress you...cough cough..."

And a strobe light would just wind up triggering a seizure in your poor partner, when there you are thinking that you're being all "Mister Perfect-Lover" and sending them into the throes of ecstasy.


I'm just sayin...


Portana said...

Clarissa didnt think you were thin? What planet is she on?!

You were the perfect Olive Oyl. IJS, IMHO.

P said...

Oh lord...lord lord lord...

You're the slenderest of branches, m'dear. Suh. Len. Der.