Thursday, November 30, 2006

Birthday Ninja!

Happy belated birthday to fellow blogger and crazy beautiful Brit chick MD! She's a frassy go-get-em martial artist who...when she isn't trying to kill me, is actually a very nice woman.

; )

Many happy returns you little love-Mick-MUFFIN!


Unknown said...

Thanks honey bunny :)
So for my Birthday do I get a personal rendition of your show? (with Mo Mo's approval of course)

Unknown said...

Nice :)

P said...

I'll only agree to do it if you guys give each other "shirts off hugs" on my couch while the 'Bean plays "Hot Stuff" on a recorder by the front door.

A Banana-Hammock-Exposer needs to have his standards.

(Frantically looks for BCT's costume shoppe telephone #)