Monday, November 06, 2006

'Bean on the Log!

Hey everyone-

Send positive vibes to my roommate, El 'Bean! Today marks his first day departing from the daily grind to pursue full-time acting over the next few months at the Old Blog Theatre. He's duly excited/nervous, and is gonna be focusing his energy into making it a great show!


Melinite said...

Break a leg! And if that doesn't work, break someone else's leg! :)

P said...

Had his first day of schoo..I mean rehearsal and he is, in fact- a happy 'Bean! (He told me that he was starting to do sit ups in the morning, but now he's going to stop since his dwarf-"Happy"-is supposed to have a belly. LOL!)

Hmslif? He doesn't keeeeere about anybody but hiimmmmself.