Friday, January 21, 2005

White OUT!!!

Between the last week of January in 2004 and the 1st 2 weeks of February, we received enough snowfall to place us at the average. I'm not sayin'...I'm just sayin. (And those hoo-doo masters, the meteorologists, are "forecasting" 9 inches. Wunderbar. There goes our audience for tonight. Except 1. More on that later.)

Quick Hits:

1) I love my country and what it stands for. I wholeheartedly believe in the foundations that our great nation was founded on. I'm a boy scout and consider myself a little patriotic. That being said, I'm also getting a little tired of listening to people bitch and whine. Stop it. I didn't want him back all that much either. Do something if it means so much to you. The end. OH, that being said:

2)To the religuous leaders who claim Bush in office is a "moral victory" for America. 'Scuse? Last time I checked, there was a separation of church AND state. Get off your high horse. Abortion and Same-Sex marriage didn't clinch it. Fear did. And we're not too afraid of you. Self-Righteous Dick Heads. Can't even get their messages straight. I've identified a peeve today, and thy name is smugness.

3) Had an audition at NUTS today. IA state lotto commercial, where a "princess" kisses the "Frog". I didn't know what to wear, so I just dressed nicely- as did the gal who read w/me. (Who, btw is gonna see the show tonight. In-teresting networking, n'est pas?) ANYWAY, some gal showed up in an actual "princess" costume. Yeah. I don't know how to take that, but...yeah. Yeah.

4) Wanting to take advantage of the weather, I went for a run late last night. Today, oddly enough, I feel fatter. Shit's just, you know, fitting tighter today. If the weather lets up at all, I'm gonna try to sneak into the club before Henry tonight.

5) We move on Sunday, January 30th. I'm excited as all toss, but I'm gonna need to send out the "help me move please" email and bribe.

6) For some weird reason, I remembered that the store "Wilsons" used to be called "Berman Buckskins"

7) Kissing is so cool. The world would be a better place if everyone would just, kiss more.

8) Herpes would probably be more prevalent.

9) A gal in my cast told me that she "decided that I was cute." ??? Damn. So, like, there was no immediate judgement. She went home, did some research, weighed the pro's and con's with her boyfriend, and said "Okay...he's cute."

I really am not sure how to take that. This is a true testament to the fact that I never get complimented on my looks. Evah. I also never receive specific compliments about things. I have a feeling when folks come and see "Hank 5", they'll say "Wow! You really are a good Backtor!" Back Actor. Get it?

Anyway...take a second to compliment someone regarding there appearance. Make someones day.

Expect 9 inches? I WISH I could say that to a....HEY OHHHH!!!!


Portana said...

Youre cute. Guys just never get compliments that way. You pretty much have to have a woman who wants to bed you to get a compliment or go fishing for them. You are not a fisher. So be content in the fact that you are good looking and dont get compliments about it because you have a soon to Mrs. who probably has paid you several compliments and dont need to worry about it.

P said...

Naw darlin'. Just a general commentary on "male compliments" in general.

My love and I never compliment each other...

(Snnrk...buhWAH HA HA HA HA!!!! I compliment her all the time! She just doesn't believe me most of the time)