Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Tuesday Quick Hits

Long weekend, busy day today. Must dash.

1) After a week 1/2 of double-digit below zero temps and wind chills, 0 degrees can seem
positively balmy. I know Chicago is cold. I know Montana and No Dak both brag in
regards to how cold it gets. MN, can get fucking cold. Your boogers will freeze.

2) I've seen a couple of these "Kuik-E-Mart" convenience stores pop up 'round town. WTF?
Who are they trying to kid, man? Ohhhh, right right right. Copyright infringement
of my beloved Simpsons. My question is, who's working behind the counter, Apoo?
(Get it? Name change to prevent any copyright infr...nevermind)

3) Our kitchy lighting is almost rigged. We've 86'ed the idea of sheetrocking the up-
stairs BR. (Too much work, too little time) A layer o' Kilz, and then we can paint.
The color? "Neverwhere"...that's for all of my Gaiman fans. (Okay, it's "Ever-
more", but the gist was for all my Gaiman fans. Do I have any Gaiman fans? Is it
embarrassing to be named "Gay-Man"? What Kind of Superhero are you?)

4) J and I spent a part of the weekend being snippy. House stuff. It happens.

5) I 86'ed two parties this weekend in lieu of getting up ass-crack early to work on said
house. Some dorks in my cast actually left a prank call on my cell phone. Do people
actually prank anymore? Dirty messages? Kids today, I tell ya.

6) Our biggest house for Henry last weekend was 14. The Strib ran an erroneous calendar
entry claiming that our show closed last weekend. Nice. We still have one weekend
left kids. Is this what is stealing our thunder?:

7) Once again I try a jambalaya dish (Cheesecake Factory). It was delish, but the meta-
bolism kept me up half the night sweating. And I dreamt of recessed lighting.
I'm just not used to the rich food. So, the bags under my eyes will make me
look soooooo pretty for my Old Log Audition. Whatever. Pete'll get it anyway.
I read a description of the show, and it's waaay more his type o' gig. I look like
Robin Williams after a 6 day coke binge.

8) If you listend to WLTE long enough, the wuss rock songs all sort of blend together.
Seriously. In 7 hours, they played 3 Styx, 2 Journey's, and 4 Chicagoes. It remind-
ed me of the shit they would play during the "Snowball Slow Skate" at our local
roller rink "Skate Land". I won't even begin to bore you with my fat-kid on skates

I'm tired.


Portana said...

This is why I listen to Journey on CD's and not on the light rock station. They play three main songs "open arms", "faithfully" in that rotation (typically the third song is either "lovin', touchin', squeezin'" or "Who's crying now"). It looses its luster on a light rock station--just not the same.

I hear ya on the whole tired thing. Wrangled 3 1/2 hrs last night, at that was after going to the gym at 3 in the morning (where, yes there were other people there). At least it was a friend that kept me up, I can forgo sleep for them, they are worth it.

Anonymous said...

"Neverwhere"...that's for all of my Gaiman fans. (Okay, it's "Ever-
more", but the gist was for all my Gaiman fans. Do I have any Gaiman fans
Yo. You doubted me?
