Sunday, January 23, 2005

A tribute...(And quick hits)

Closed Henry. Bye Bye "Hank". I'll miss some of the peeps who were in the show. I happened to go to 0 parties that were held, in lieu of sick fiancee's, and house maladies. To re-cap:

This weekend, The Geef and his Weef, El Cadwicks, Mother the 2nd all attended. I sincerely hoped that they enjoyed the prod, at the very least I hope they found me less than offensive. I'm a backtor. We're a sensitive lot. (This just in: Mom the 2nd said I was enjoyable, along w/the TeenF, and RPK. Teen was veddy sick btw.)

Next weekend. The Move. Although those who read this are never under ANY would be, how do you say??? Enjoyable.

I hope that "Inherit" goes well, and I'm a little bummed I've missed it.

A quick
tribute. Even though I have other Sheisse running through Mein Kopf.

Johnny Carson passed on. If it's your thing: light a candle, smoke a cig (Like he did during his commercial breaks in the 60's...or quaff a martini.) and smile.

I don't know of many people who watched his show that didn't think it wasn't funny. (Y'know? Like him or not, folks have never said that they've hated J.C.)

P's Comic Influences... (From a comedy standpoint)
Brit Coms (Eastenders, The Young Ones, Month Python, Fawlty Towers, Wooster and Jeeves, Black Adder...I was a little out of touch when "Ab Fab" came out...but I bet I'd of love it too!)
Redd Foxx, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Ernie Kovacs, Nichols and May, Robin Williams, Jonathon Winters, Louie Anderson, early Howie Mandel, "Uncle Lar" , Eddie Izzard, Bill Cosby (Strange...when Redd, Richard, and Eddie are in the same breath) Rodney Dangerfield, Albert Brooks, Danny Kaye, Van Johnson, Ari Hoptmannnn...

So many. I've liked all of them immensely at some point or rather. I've quoted theirschtick, so I could be funny too. It's just kind of a bummer when one of the good ones goes away. Heres proof once again: If God...that great big black lesbian in the sky, truly exists...they have a sense of humor.

Sleep tight. The peeps that read this, are (personally) some of the funniest guys I know.


Anonymous said...

Sorry we had to ditch so quickly, but we did like your performance on Saturday. You did some nice work with a not very deeply-written character. Also, nice backting!! :)

You move on Sunday? Shoot us an email with what times, for we may be able to spare an hour or so. Provided I'm not totally wrong about the "Measure" rehearsal schedule.


The "Weef"

Portana said...

Would love to help you next weekend, but alas I will be in Montana selling myself....I mean interview for this great job offer. Will be thinking about you schlogging furniture here and there while I am in MT trying to amuse the nieces...
Sorry I missed henry, I so wanted to be there. But alas, I shall try again at a later date.