Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Full moon. 'Splains a lot of my recent cloddish behavior and mood. I never gave much creedence to the whole "full moon" behaviorism (Despite hearing it from my father, the cop, all the time)until I started working in call centers. Calls get wackier as a full moon approaches.

How it fucks me over? Let's see:

1)Subway yestiddy: Nearly biffed going in to get my sammich. Nearly biffed on the way out on the same damn patch of ice. Slip on the ice once, shame on me. Slip on the same patch twice? I'm a re-re.
2) I had to take advantage of the beautiful weather we've been having so I went fer a jog last night. Bad idea. It was frickin slick. Nearly biffed 20 or 30 times, and now my body is shock-sore. (Not, workout sore, but sore due to continually having to avoid crashing to the pavement.)
3) J get's home and sez that she forgot to tape A.Idol last night. She never forgets to tape her dreck. I tell her life will undoubtedly go on, and to have some wine.
4) Broke the frickin wine glass taking it out of the cabinet. Shards were everywhere, and I hate broken glass (This was born from when I broke an overhead light fixture when I was practicing Kendo. Gave me a narsty scar.)I hate it like Selig. That was for Hemp.
5) We were both pretty randy. And I mean randy! The double entendres were Fuh-LYING! What did we do about THAT? Passed out. Cold.
6) This morning, I'm tossing out the trash and forget that the broken glass is in there. I have a delicious gouge in my palm now. And it is still...bleeding.

Quick Hits:
-I am "a-political". I just think that people that get so mad that they insult someone else due to their political views is seriously messed up. Seriously. Adverb.
-We won our Life Insurance Industry awards. I get to keep my job for another year. 12 more months of accountability. Yee-haw.
-The same awards mean we will get bonuses in March. If it is the same as last year? I will be able to pay for a significant chunk of my new kithcen.
-I'm afraid it'll wind being a "National Lampoon" bonus. Y'know? Jelly or something crappy.
-The good folks at H.D. Gave us a much lower quote for our new cabinets. To the tune of $1000 less. Thank-fucking-GOD!!!! I hate being po' sometimes.
- Out of every 10 jokes I try out, 8 3/8's are really not funny. They wind up seeming like I "try too hard". Today's joke to my boss: (After treating her to a coffee in celebration of said Industry Awards) "Morning K--. Here's your Venti Ass Mocha." Apparently not funny.
-Oddly enough, my penchant for giving nicknames did not get me fired. I did call the Ass't Director of Life Services (A big dog, for the uninitiated) "Rooty-Frooty Rick Beau-Tooty" after the delicious IHOP pancake mess. He thought that was pretty funny...even though he didn't "get it". In case you're wondering? His last name sounds similar to the Rooty-Tooty Fresh N Fruit- Nevermind.


Portana said...

wow, two mentions for hemp. his head is swelling as we speak....

dlt074 said...

i know for a fact that pdx does not like Selig and still she avoids it.

full moons are also very strange in casino's. i used to dread going in to work on full moon nights. wackjob city!