Sunday, January 02, 2005

It's just not the same.

Happy New Year everyone! My first post of the year, and it is my goal to help those who haven't figured it out yet, that I am a complete re-ray.

J and I headed out to Chan a little early (After having spent the day re-wiring and painting.)to relax and hot tub a little, pre-party. Now I don't know about y'all, but yours truly is all about hotels. I love 'em. After growing up a fairly low-maintenence child (No "Hollywood showers" at the P home. 5 mins in and out buddy, let's NOT waste the hot water.) into a fairly low-maintenence adult- I love taking 2 hour showers when I'm at a hotel. I jump on the bed, I look for porn under the mattress, and I take my time in the shower. Get me? My normal "man-prep" routine at home includes shaving in the shower. (I have one of those nifty fogless mirrors.) but sans mirror, I do the old fashioned "over the sink" method. For New Years, I gotta be smooth for all that smooching. I took my time in the hot tub (Figuring on taking a shower-rinse after my pores have all been opened up) got out, unpacked my razor annnnnd:

Imagine my chagrin when I can't seem to find my shave gel. My travel sized can didn't get packed apparently, and at 10pm I'm already running a little behind. I spy J's Leg Shave Gel on the side of the tub, and take it upon myself to pull a MacGuyver-ish Improvised Experiment.

1) Goes into the hand a little thinner than my stuff. After applying, I notice the lather isn't
quite as pronounced. Still, it lathers.
2) So far so good. I'm taking my time here. No rush jobs.
3) 1st traces of the infamous "red dots" start making their appearances. Go figure it'd be
around my neck.
4) The sink is starting to look like Quint rinsed out the chum-bucket. Dear God, I don't own
a stiptic pen.
5) Done. After drying off and doing my best to blanche the wounds, I apply liberal doses of
After shave gel. Go fig. No cream. Just the "after shave"
6) Decide to take quick shower now. No time for full shower opus. Just enough to shave the
the rest of the gear and get smelling pretty. I open the shower doors to discover!!!

I had unpacked my shaving cream and set it in the shower next to my shampoo and bodywarsh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could have started out 2005 without the mental movie of "the rest of your gear" being taken care of in the shower... I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'...
Hope '05 is a wonderful year for you!