Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Darndest Things

Politically minded folk say the darndest things. You want to read 2 blogs that lean lefty/righty?

The conservative view: (Fair warning, my liberal co-horts. Some of the posts may make your blud-boil. Read some of the archived 'Blogs, especially around the election.)


This site, compliments of my buddy Matt: (He hates Bush, btw. Fair warning to the conservatives out there. "Eat a bowl of Fuck" was his response to someones "anonymous" reply on his recent tirade on the Bush Admin. )


Two more opinions. My belief is that if you lean too far to one side, you are in danger of falling over. Write a letter or stop being so friggin smug. OR, eat a bowl of fuck. Is that with or without milk?
Quick Hits:

Anyone remember when the store "Wilsons" was called "Berman Buckskins"? Just checking. Buckskins..btw.

I had an "ex" that thought I was checking out every girl that walked past us at Northtown Mall. Made my life hell. I had to walk through the mall, staring at my feet once to prove a point. It was Pointless.

Temps in MN are now reaching the mid-thirties. Nearly a 60 degree turnaround from last weeks below 0 windchills. Just..weird.

Shakeys Pizza, Gatti's Pizza, and Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor were 3 hang-outs of mine as a child. Farrells had Barbershop Quartet servers, complete with striped blazers and straw hats. It's a 50's Grill now. If that is still there. Gatti's is a Godfathers, and Shakeys went to Ponderosa, to Key's Cafe, to...gone. Yup, memory is still there.

Don Rickles and Bob Newhart were on Leno last night to reflect on Carson. I love comedians stories, but I didn't think that the audience was really digging on them so much. (Mostly polite laughs)

I auditioned for a snowmobile commercial today. Didn't get it, for reasons previously posted. I had to make-believe I was peeing in the snow. Yup.

I received a complimentary email last night. It made my day.

5 days to the big move...beware.


Portana said...

Just to Clarify: Portland has NO beliefs even remotely similar to Hemplers blog. She is a professed fence rider to the nth degree and prefers not to talk politics with ANYONE.
I am working on him to see the world of grey...funny note with him--he used to be a pot smoking hippie. Ironic, dont you think?

Portana said...

Just to Clarify: Portland has NO beliefs even remotely similar to Hemplers blog. She is a professed fence rider to the nth degree and prefers not to talk politics with ANYONE.
I am working on him to see the world of grey...funny note with him--he used to be a pot smoking hippie. Ironic, dont you think?

P said...

Duly noted, Portland. (And spoken like a true HR guru.)

And it is ironic- Even moreso that I know of a couple of former "frisbee-chuckin' cheeba monkies" who up and quit the doob in order to become "God-Fearin-Church-Goin'-Conservative-baby-maker's" too! Now THAT was a lifestyle change. (And more power to them. I don't think I could up and change my life that drastically.)
It's just too bad that they were a lot more fun the other way.

Different strokes and all that jazz.

dlt074 said...

you've pointed to my blog, do i have to spell check and proof read now that i have more then two people reading it?

to be a fence rider pdx, you would have to agree with some "right wing" ideas and some "left wing" ideas. ;)

i'm going to post about firefly tomorrow and make you eat your words.