Monday, January 08, 2007


I've been having wicked, vivid dreams lately. Really vivid. Very wicked. Some with pieces and bits of violence, which always brings me concern. (Not "dream me" committing the acts. Just, general violence)

One of them was very "Saw"-esque which is bizarre since I never saw the movie. (And after describing the dream to Sammy, he tells me that my dream was probably better than any of the films) Big house. People wrapped in razor wire. Trick rooms. Pentaveret individuals. People being shot. I try to use flattery on a lady to get my a$$ out of there. It works, but I have to go back b/c Dorajar's roommate is trapped in there. I go back in and am told that I have 5 minutes to find her and get her out b4 it's curtains. I go, and find out that the only way to get out is to unlock the door with a code. The trick was that I had to write "The Wizard Of Oz" on a dry erase board next to the door. I was given this nugget of info from a ice machine like you'd see at a hotel, which dropped the hint from it's downspout. It also spoke in a voice like Al Pacino.

Another found Dorajar and I at the end of our relationship. She told me that it was time to get a-ramblin and so she ambled off to search for...something. I decided to up and leave and move to New Mexico. An artist colony. I met a earthy, pretty, hippy artisan who made high-end turquoise and silver jewelry for tourists. She had an art gallery next to her home and we started seeing each other, albeit lightly. During her exhibition, she told me that my soul was on fire and I had a fierce and restless spirit. "We should stop seeing each other and maybe you should wander". So I did. We had a long kiss behind some paintings while dealers and admirers wanders and then I was there, in the desert, looking back at this white stucco artists colony under the darkness. I had a brief encounter with a fellow wanderer before coming back to Dorajar. We spent our first night back together in a room where the entire floor was a mattress.

What made me unsettled about that dream was how not-unsettling it was. Like, everything was as it should be. There was no sense of loss. No Feeling of remorse. It was just as it should be.

Other dreams were scary...Paul Hogan and his mate were burgulars who apparently were owed $21K and I was the one to get it to them. I met a co-worker from our Policy Change dept. who fronted me the money. He was wearing this Vikings sweatshirt he always wears.

I met Paul and his partner at a campground and told them I had the check. I saw other co-workers, and they were all crying and scared and I knew why. As soon as I gave them the money it was over. We were all dead. I saw my boss there, and I kissed her on top of her head. I told her that everything was going to be okay, and I went to meet my fate. Except...

Then I was road tripping in a UPS truck. I was with some non-descript people who told me that I was on map-detail and needed to get us from Texas to St. Louis MO. At this point things get fuzzy.

Honestly, I don't know what this all means...but I'm gonna keep writing'em down anyway.


Portana said...

It means that the niquil that you were taking was tripping you out. That tends to be the case if you have taken any over the past few days and you try to sleep soundly with the shite on board.

Otherwise, welcome to the bowels of your inner-sanctum. Mine was a plane crash (again) this time with george clooney in the flight. And three planes crashing. Not good.

Shinobi-wan said...
