Monday, January 08, 2007

Of course they'd come on a bad show night...

Well we're up and off, pampers.

To say the show start was rocky is a bit of an understatement. I know actors tend to frass over the minutae of their own performances but this show does have a few technical tricks that probably could have stood to be ironed out a wee bit more before opening. That being said, I honestly think that the show has been slowly finding it's groove bit by bit. And by Sunday, we were pretty much close to where we needed to be. (In addition to being in desperate need to get away from it for a couple of days.)

Ooooo. Time out. I'm spying a gorgeous sunrise out the window. If you're reading this at 7:30am? LOOK LOOK LOOK!

I'll give you an example of the play by play, with the inclusion of the corresponding flubs/injuries incurred by the klutz-yours truly. (Shit that most audience members won't notice, but I have to point out to everyone and their cat after the show like it matters. "White Male Actor Seeks Validation after his show. Ability to seem genuine a plus.")

Thurs- Pre to the Viz-you
Redwright, Ma, and Pa in the house. Hochlender was there and didn't stick around afterward. Also, didn't do his normal posting praise which he does for almost every show he sees. I take this as a sign that he didn't care for it. In spite of my normal "not give a fuckedness", I get a lil' concerned. The show itself goes reeeeeasonably well in spite of the trick coffin lancing my thumb and starting to bleed. I proceed to paraphrase my next line while sucking my right thumb like I'm Linus. Post show, Redwright and folks are both pleased which makes me feel a bit better. Comment of the night:
(Mom) "Why do you always have to be GAY in these plays?!?!?"
(Dad) "Dammit, he wasn't GAY, he was COMPLEX!"

Frids- Opening. Nice house. Had sushi Happy Hour with the Mo and Callboard crew. Did the show. During the show, I grab a chip from the snack tray (*We have a fairly "food heavy" show and I wind up eating approximately a can of oysters a night. However on Friday our SM forgot the can opener, so we made due with sardines. Which unfortunately don't "pop" into your mouth as easily) Pop the chip in my mouth and realize that it's WAY too big to masticate before my next line. Start spraying crackers out of my mouth during dialogue with Sammy. Sammy turns it into a "bit". Then the trick casket "tricked", gouging my left thumb. Again, I proceed to paraphrase my next few lines while sucking my thumb in order to avoid getting blood on costume. I consider making this a bit.

Jabas, Kaiser, and Nic were at the show. Didn't see anyone else post-show. Hooked up with Moses and hit "Tracy's" (God, it's been 10 years since I'd been there. At least pre-smoking ban.) Home. Passed out. Realized that this show exhausts the holy f#ck out of me.

SATS- (A day of rest, and cleaning. Yeah. Jammed my damn vacuum with the amount of dog and cat hair that accumulated over the holidays. At least my house smells of wood polish and "clean" instead of festering...yuck.)

In an attempt to ward off sickness, Moses and I hit the aforeblogged Triple Rock for vittles. She drops me off and I nap for 20 minutes. Not a good sign. I groggily awaken for the show. Things go reeeeeelatively smoothly. All lines are a go. When the "trick coffin" bit starts, some of the actors missed their cue- Causing Sammy and I too ad lib. Coffin bit falls on my leg, splintering a bit. I feel...something? It kind of feels painful and splintery but I just want to get on with the show. This time I actually mumble over a line in an attempt to get it out. When I exit, I'm not even down the stairs b4 my are pants off. There, in my thigh, is a sliver roughly the size of a broken toothpick. I was about to ask for tweezers when I realize that there was enough poking out of my leg to pull it out myself. As I stood their pantless, cursing, trying to remove the remaining wood shards from my pants the SM comes down and comments on how I "Seem To Be Having trouble with those lines" in a knowing manner. I shoot daggers at her that I hope brought my point across. The 2nd act, brought a wonderful moment when another actor jumped 2 pages of dialogue. Missing my favorite (albeit, weirdly placed) cathartic moment onstage.

I find out later, that this was da night most of the critics decide to pay tribute.

Gangle and his Weef, Mopes, X, BWJ, Duddy, Lis, and in a surprise surprise moment my ol' buddy Nai-Nai and her Hub-Hub all came. Hi's, Kisses, and hugsgaboda were had.

Dorajar and I felt like ass, so we went home, took some Ny-Quil, and passed the natural hell out.

Sunday was fine. The show went fine. Badda Bing Badda Boom. FeeJ and Huge were there. Photo call was had. Went home. Made Thai food while Dorajar did homework on the couch. Watched "Talladega Nights" with she and 'Bean. And here we are.

Weird. Why the sam hill couldn't they-a come on SUNDAY!?!?!?

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