Which I'd been warned about.
But damn. That was a really good dinner. And a lot of laughing. And a lot of time spent swinging in the back yard. And today, my hands are covered in calluses.
And I am really frassin' tired. I think a night off is in order. (yawns) Good thing our executive Vice President gave the company Starbarf's gift cards as a reward for our 1st quarter earnings.
I wish I was tired from hanging out. I'm tired because when I got home from rehearsal and tried to go to bed, the damn dog whined until Adam came home at midnight. Sometimes, between the two of them, I think I'm never going to get enough sleep ever again.
But then Adam makes me coffee in the morning and fools me into liking him again. He's sneaky.
Your body is indeed superior to mine. Yours is a temple of wholesomeness and calm, while mine is a hotbed of Captain Morgan's and frass.
This is probably why I have a stiff neck all the time, and you seemingly float in a mystic and ethereal haze.
(I think that the calluses are from trying to heave my bulk up on the skinnier rope swing. Fzzzzst! Annnnd Callus.) Wait a sec, didn't you have the tiniest splinter that you were frassin' about? Harrumph to your invulnerability.
Beznj: Bee's Ninja?
And wine.
And rum.
And Coffee.
And Bailey's knock off.
And sweeties. (Chocolate's)
And gramma on the swing was almost as funny as X trying to stand on swing.
sgispik: Siggy Spike
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