Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The pain show...

Y'know? Up until juuuuusssst this morning I was feeling pretty good about "GMIKFTH"...Feeling good, "body wise".

'Cept I'm faaairly certain I made bad with my groinykins during our outdoor rehearsal. (When myself and the rest of the nincompoops were doing kip-ups one after another. Smart) MD caught me with a nice palm-heel in between my shoulder blades (I kid...I live for that shit, you know this) Trev loosed a fist in my face by accident, I whacked MD harder than I should have performing an arm trap, and I caught CeeG's bony ass forearm with the top of my foot doing a roundkick. And I have this weird bruise in the center of my palm that, for the life of me, I have no recollection where I got it. I'm thinking maybe it was at the wedding. Redwright and I were frassin' poolside 'bout our individual bruisey maladies yesterday like a couple of folks in a retirement community.

So there's your incentive. Go see this show. Our pain, provides your pleasure.

June 3rd. The Illusion.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry if I hurt you - but I barely touched you you wuss ;)

P said...

Um, for the record? She utilized "Buddha's Palm", which many of you who've seen the movie "Iron Monkey" know- causes severe pain, internal bleeding, and dandruff.

We can add a bruised heel and frassy hips to the list. wOOt!