Monday, May 22, 2006

On Burlap, and Quantum Theory

Yeah, it gets busy some days. Shup.

Last week was literally a veritable whirlwind of action from the get go. Most nights were taken up by rehearsal, where we are at least 78% blocked out for all scenes. Gabe-ril did some coolness by posting a rough preview of what’s to come. Check it out here:

Nothing too fancy pants to write home last week until about Thursday when I took a (wait for it) HALF day, or "Sanity Day" if that’s you druthers. I hit an afternoon class at ‘Fu, (Why oh why are we ending class with plyometrics? Oh, that’s right. My instructor prays for my death. And fuck a bunch of BS, I haven’t jumped rope since I was 15!?!?) Then attacked my lawn which was VIOLENTLY overgrown. (Seriously? I couldn’t make a pass without the frassin’ mower getting all gummed up and jammed. It took nearly 2 hours to mow the front, leaving me no time to jog.)
This all lead up to the inevitable party de-la-bachelor for my buddy Ry-gonn. After getting cleaned and gussied, we all convened at mi casa and headed to Erte’ for nibbles, which for the record…is the bomb shite. We spent a majority of the time trying to get Brett-Muck to be a little more, how do you say, cordial, With our server? No luck. We toasted, we drank, we laughed, we frassed and then decided to hit the DeeT burlesque scene. (What? Stop judging. I ain’t ashamed.) We hit one club which frassed about Daddy-o’s Buddhist cap (Seriously. A "No Hat" policy? I can understand a "No Raincoat" but c’mon.) So we bustled a block and a half over to a place that had more lenient dress code. It was what it was. Strippable. And did you guys know that the women at those places aren’t actually into you? That they’re coming on to you so that you give THEM money? Wow! Boy wasn’t I surprised! Here’s me thinking that I was all cute and stuff while them there half nekky-gals were all saying I was cute and stuff and laughing and stuff and...

Right. Funny man, I am. Not. Thank You.

Frid’s I finished lawn frass and had some lunch w/Dorajar (Indian Buffet is the DEVIL! After plate number dos, I was fit for a coma. Which I was in for the next- 3- hours) After waking up, we hit up the NEMAA Art-A-Whirl with the ‘Bean. We stopped in the Mill City CafĂ© (under new management, Thank You) enjoyed happy hour niblets and cocktails (‘Bean was the target of a fly-by pooping from a random bird. Thank GOD it didn't’hit the poor man. Our server/restaurant manager informed us that it was good luck. Yeah, good luck that he wasn’t yawning) Afterwards, we hit up my girl AM’s going bye-bye party b4 splitting to saying another goodbye to Mopeppa’s buddy MM2 at the Bulldog.

Weird. Lotsa goodbyes.

The weekend bode more rehearsal (Yay for finally getting babygirl MD back in the fold…even if she smelled like campfire ; p ) BBQ’s in the Savage Land (Chock a block full of political frassin’. There is something cathartic about being able to frass face to face as opposed to the blind, sterile, heartless void which comprises ‘net frassin’. It just feels better to me.) And returning home, stuffed…again, for some Geisha-Memoirs. Which, for being a pretty movie? Didn’t do much for moooving me. Meh.

Sunday…wait- MORE rehearsal, and finally being able to get a much deserved workout in before checking out the movie "What the (Bleep) do we know?"with some Chinese niblets.

In case you’re wondering? The flick was all right. Interesting, if not a little cheesy, but still a better documentary than if a bunch of talking heads were, well...talking. There was even a Dr. named "prrrrt".

If you’ve been dying to learn about Quantum Physics/Mechanics/Theories "Lite"? This is the movie for you!

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