Monday, May 29, 2006

Loverly start, to a loverly weekend...

Loverly start, to a loverly weekend... 'Kay ,Since Mopester is outta town destroying Vega$, I figured I'd frass 'bout my weekend shizzle.Weddings.I'm finna break it down for y'all like a fraction.

Friday-Half day for buddies! I met Moses for lunch DT b4 she needed to catch her flight to sin city. It was pretty clear that she had checked out of Mipples and was ready to Gee-Oh. (And baby, you wear wanderlust beautifully) After that it was yard frassin', running, and getting ready for a RE-hearsal.Due to a boo-too traffic accident I wound up at the wedding rehearsal 5 mins late (Much to the chagrin of "Echo" their wedding frasser. More on her in a sec)
Fortunately, I found my way through hurried intro's and the initial walk-through unscathed.

(POF- I learned, very recently with my big-bro's weddin' that planners and families HATE it when they have a "jokester" in their midst. First, it's a high stress occasion to beigin with. Second, they're prolly thinkin' that while you think that you're being clever? You're not really listening, meaning you'll fuck up SOME part of the ceremony. I'd like you all to know -at least those wno know "me"- that I was on my best behaviour, thankyouverymuch...The last thing I'd want is to cause poor Echo frass.)

The rehearsing was short and sweet. In order to ease tensions, I did my darnedest to "mack" on Echo ("Young lady...that is a very fetching shade of toenail polish...if I mightbe so bold and if you're going to the reception, could I buy you a drink???") Fact: Schmooze the 80 year old planner that looks like a cross between Harry Carey and "Edna" from "The Incredibles"? You're golden.

And the rest of the night? Cream cheese.

Buca was delish(Ry-gonn gave me some pretty sweet schwag for best man prezzies...a Bruce Lee Tee, AND a vintage Kirby Spider-Man Tee. I know I've frassed in the past about getting too much "Die Spinne" schwag, but it was still pretty cool.) I schmoozed the servers , getting our party a lil' discountkins (Much to the suprise and awe of Judge Ry-Gonn the senior. I didn't have the heart to tell'im that I didn't do anything, the meal was just inexpensive...still...Thanks Ry-Gonn the senior for dinner...) I babysat the kids- (Go with me on this one: Hands in the pockets, means you're being cool. Hands out of the pockets? You mean business...So the kids dug their cool lessons. And teaching 'em how to dance like Michael Jackson.) So...yeah. I met my bestest friends extendo family. And they were jewels. And funny. Shit, were they funny.

Next? El Wedding...

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