Thursday, May 11, 2006

Okay, so...

I'm late. Sue me.

Let's see:

Friday was fun and frasstastic. Hit a bidet party in St.Pipples in the mid ta late evening before retiring for the night.

Sats was a reunion of sorts, where I was able to hook up with some of the KFH peeps again for a read through of "Great Moments in Kung Fu Theatre History". Hilarity. I can't wait to be able to get back on stage to do it up (Even though I don't think I'm being allowed to beat the crap outta MD in any of the sketches. BTW- Keep your calendar's open the evening of June 3rd. One night only peeps. And it's a fund raiser, so bring your coin-footballs. We rip on Oedipus, The Crucible, Waiting for Godot...think about it. )

My personal favorite moment of the meeting wasn't when we did the actual read through, rather it was when Gabey Buck Buck asked if one of us (MD, RSvP, or my self) would mind fighting with one of the newer cast member. I don't think you've ever seen 3 peeps turn heel, drop their coats/sunglasses/keys, kick off their shoes, line up, and just...stare. (RSvP: "Which one of us does he want to fight? Did you mean fight-fight?")

We're Ninja-compoops.

The rest of the afternoon was spent lawn frassin' and dear Lord...I'd forgotten how much I didn't miss it. 'Bean set out to pluck out the dandies in the yard, while I took on the massive task of mowing that bitch. And it waaas a bitch. 6 bags worth of long wet grass. (And with these recent storms? Hooo, boy, I'm probably gonna have to mow again on momma's day)

Mopes stopped over to hang out w/me b4 a dinner party while I whupped up a couple of red curry marinated chicky boobs on the grill. (I'm a food-prep freak. I make food ahead of time, it's what I do. Blog material for later, wait and see) One of the BQ jets didn't come on, and when I lit it the flame came out the side in a big WHOOMF! (Singing off a majority of my forearm hair in the process. Once again, Fire: 3, BabyP: zero. And btw? My burnt arm hair, reeks.) The dinner party was wonderful (Veggie lasagna w/portabello mushies, beet salad, etc. Ugh. I was stuffola'ed) and we popped over to check out the Scrimshaw show at the BLB where dorajar lost her sketch comedy virginity. Her parents were kind enough to hook a brother up with some herb. (Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, and yes...thyme. Stop. Singing.)

Annnnd my roommate had his b-day. Happy Birthday 'Bean! (Mark your calendars, folks. He's not getting away with not telling me, next year. Buh wah ha ha ha ha ha!)

Sunday was another great a.m. of delicious brefkist (Scrambled egg beater's with tomato, garlic, and...wait for it: Fresh Basil.) More lawn frass, errands, and the Callboard Softball game where dora and I pick a nicked, and did a spot of heckling and jeering. (In spite of my best efforts to come up with a rallying cry* or a mascot dance that was acceptable, the Knights still went 0 for 2 for the day.) After the game, moses and I went for a lazy assed walk around Nokomis to burn off the sammich before hitting Sonny's for a scoop of crema ice cream. (Settle down, bitches. I earned that mo-fo) By the time I got home with the intention of napping for buddies before going to another friends b-day, I ended up sleeping past 10:30pm...forcing me to leave an extremely apologetic voicemail for my girl. I'm a bum.

So there you have it. Chock a block full weekend. I think future weekends are going to be reserved for more "me" time and for projects going forward. Wait. That's not true. THIS Saturday I'm getting the frass outta Dodge, and subsequent weekends are going to be planning (wait for it...)

The wedding of one of my best friends. Cripes. New blog. What I'm a gonna do for his bachelor party? (I kid. I'll tell youse guys later)

*I think the best cry I could think of was "Daaaaavid Hasselhoff". And my psyche out babble to the other team was "Sugar in the gas tank, Howie....Sugar-In-The-Gas-TANK!"...

I'm nerdy.

1 comment:

Portana said...

So, if this is the friend with the wedding in need of a bachelor party that is also a Star Wars nut, I have a star wars themed bachelor party idea in mind. Booze, movies and a dancing princess Leia in the slave costume... I am such a geek.