Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Did I mention that I’m going to a wedding this weekend?

More specifically, I’m going to be in a wedding this weekend? More specifically specifically…the best man. (Such an arrogant title, in my opinion. I prefer "The Okay Guy"…or maybe something original, like "The Ring Bearer". Heck, even "Sex Panther" would suffice. But "Best Man"? C’mon. That’s a lot to live up to.) So we got the rehearsal, this Friday (Grumblefrass...meaning I'm gonna miss X3!) and the wedding itself am Samstag. Reception to follow, here.

My question- Is it legal for the BM to "fly solo" to the event? (read: Dateless) I think so, since ya gotta be up at the table with the rest of the wedding frassers, and on the whole it didn't seem appropos to bring an inflatable sheep. I’m also startin’ to frass a little about what I’m gonna say at the reception. At RSvP's wedding, I was able to improvise the entire thing which seemed to work. (Much to the chagrin of my sister in laws sister, who’d pre-written hers.) But I had 30 odd years worth of source material to glom from. With Ry-Gonn? It’s gonna be a struggle to "not" make the whole damn thing about ADHD, Star Wars, and his penchant for drinking Colorado Bulldogs 'til nausea sets in.

Although, I’m certain, those topics will find there way in there.

Sketchy Molly? Don’t tell Ryan. I want it to be a surprise….

On the whole, I think I’d much rather be at a spur of the moment wedding in Vega$. While I’m not a particularly huge fan of the city…I think that with the right people and event?

Oof. More fun than disco.


Portana said...

It is TOTALLY ok to go stag as the best man. Face it, you will be busy enough no to have to worry about how your date is doing and all those sorts of things.

I would suggest an outline of things you might talk about at the toast. At one wedding we were at, the guy kinda lost where he was going and about five minutes later, finally said cheers. Not good.

Enjoy the weekend festivities!

Melinite said...

I was the Best Man at my brother's wedding (He was the Matron of Honor at mine. tee hee!) and it definitely helped to have my little speech written. Next to the Maid of Honor, who cried and gibbered and babbled, I looked like a frickin' genious.

When my friend Becky and I were planning our weddings a month apart, I told her how much I hated the crappy bridesmaid speech. Somehow, they always seem to cry and be stupid. I said, "Who's giving the toast on your side?" She said, "You are." Petard, anyone?

I've seen off-the-cuff toasts that were hilarious, and ones that were painful to sit through. Just remember, brevity is the soul of wit, and for God's sake, don't pass the microphone to anyone except the groom!

P said...

That's whart I was thinking. (I still haven't had a chance to buy them their frassin' gift yet! FRASS!)

I'm actually pretty much set on what I'm gonna say about the kid...I just like to make him worry about what type of candor I exercise....buh WHA HA HA HA HA!!!