Thursday, May 25, 2006

"I think we can make it cooler..."

One of the cooler bits about our rehearsal process for the "GMiKFTH" is how organic it's been. The entire cast has been a part of the creative process from the first brainstorming session, continuing through our 'hearsals (Kinda like sketchy comedy...another big ol' love O' mine).

In the interest of time (we have a little over a week to put this b#tch up, folks) we've been falling back on bogarting some of our "all new old cheap moves" from the original run of "Kung Fu Hamlet" (backfist/ridgehand, double-phoenix eye punch, dah da dah da dah da...) So the day b4 we rehearsed our scenelet for "Frucible" last night, I get an email from MD which basically said (in regards to our little fightlet)

"We can make it cooler".

So, we whipped up a lil' sumpthin'-sumpthin' right quick. Well, as quick as you can by 'ographing something on our breakette. Photograph courtesy of Haley, and giving you another reason why I need a camera phone in a big bad way.*

Boo-ya from baby P and Doc... (W/a little bit with the Chad. Who had gas...*)

I do love that gal. Sorry about kickin' yer hand. Just like old times, huh?

; )

*Yeah, a camera phone/recorder in case I spontaneously feel like creating fight choreography. Whatever...P, ya rube.

** Every two seconds it was "prrrrt" coming from him. Swear. And if you wonder why in the last "panel" I'm doing the hand on the tummy thing, it's 'cause I saw "Take One" that Haley shot..which really accentuated that I'm going bald on top. Joy. Just like Sean Connery in "In the Name of the Rose" I am...BALD FRASS!!!!


Unknown said...

I love it when you kick me :)
Ahhh, how I miss the good old days, before NO2 and obsession :)

P said...

Before N02 and Obsession, I only had Old Spice and Tylenol...What fun was that?

(And your supplements are clearly doing far better than mine. Boo.)

fwvgg= Freak with vigorously growing gonads...