Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vacay at the homestead

So Moda cobbled herself together a nice lil' trip with her mama to the big apple. A treat before she launches full bore into "Hedda" madness, she has been enjoying swank meals and big-big city culture. Already I've been regaled with tales of MOMA visits (Moda goes to MOMA, get it?) Times Square and subway shenanigans, which will culminate tonight in a dose of the big stage version of "Hedda" playing on Broadway.

So instead of being one of those so-called stay at home inactive mopey boyfriends, I chose the road less travelled: Stay at home ACTIVE boyfriends, ya-HA! A vacation at home, with some precious downtime, cleaning, and reflection. Step one, calling in on Friday, a great success.

The rest? Boring as unholy heck.

See, it was going to be filled with cleaning and a possible screening of "My Bloody Valentine 3-D". Or maybe even the Winter Carnival. Heck, a die-hard MN'otan such as myself who hasn't visited since the first ginormous ice palace in '86 OWES it to himself, yeah?

Not so much.

It started off to the positive-

Sleep in a bit after calling in on Friday? Check.
NOT make a bloody Mary to demotivate myself (I was out of V'ka)? Check.
Pack gym bag? Check.

Realize that I'm out of groceries, including creamer? Oh yeah. Bailey's was substituted. Mistake number one.

Frass online. More demotivation. I felt honor-bound to make almost to-the-minute updates to my status, AND respond to well-wishers & nay-sayers alike. Mistake number two.

Read. Two, count'em, TWO issues of Men's Health magazine appeared which weren't gonna read themselves. (A b'day/X-mas gift from RSVP. And really, who doesn't want to know how to super-charge their workouts?) Then it was off to book-ville. For two hours in the TV room. Mistake numero three-o.

I finally brushed my toofs and started my car. Around 1:30pm.

I DID however get out for groceries so that I didn't relinquish myself to take out. I also topped off my tank to combat the wretched cold that was coming and warshed my car which again had taken on the festive color of a dulling bruise due to the salt and road muck.

I made it home in time for, wait for it, a nap. Mistake numero...well who needs to keep track at this point. It's merely day one on my vacation.

The roommate was home, so after a lengthy chat about things that roommates talk about (See previous blog regarding the icicle/sword debacle) I figure dinner was in order since I hadn't eaten since breakfast. At this point, the gym wasn't in the cards. Vacation, buddy. You are on house-arrest vacation. Relax. Enjoy. Keep the blood pressure down. And do not, I repeat, do NOT call out for Chinese take....f#ck it.

Then sit on the couch weighing my options for marathon movie night. A double feature of "Red Dragon" and "Silence of the Lambs" should suffice. Sit with chicken and broccoli, wine, cat, and remote control. Field one call from the lady. Call it a night. Not an epic fail by any means, but hardly productive. The God "Sloth" is pleased with their sacrifice.

Caturday? Today? Wake up thinking I need to go to work. Realize it's Caturday at 5:30am. Dork online. Start to doze again (finally) and roll back into bed. If my roommates incessant warbling of "You're Beautiful (Georgie-Cat)" by James Blunt hadn't knifed through my sub-conscious, I'da been down until noon. As it stands? 10:30am.


We end up talking, again, for nearly an hour or so. (Re: 70's fad diets, my mom's Nutri-System membership in the 80's, and how I pretty much kept GNC in business in the early 90's by buying sh#t that had "Mega-_ _ _ _" whatever in the label. More reading.

I have since read, napped, finished the book, and set out cleaning supplies which will invariably wait until tomorrow. I'm not pointing fingers...there are always at least three pointed back at me, but the glass of vino I'm enjoying may very well mean putting off that filthy affair until tomorrow.

Now. Harry Potter movie marathon, or Lord of the Rings.

Life is pretty damn hard.

ps: My resume is, at least, all finished. Now, if any of you has a job for me in a decent salary range I can discontinue my email updates. MD? Anything in New Zealand for a creative frasser like myself who is good with people?

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