Tuesday, January 20, 2009

God'll get ya...

That's what my mom would say if you ever accidentally injured yourself. (The hint, meaning you did something blasphemous and "God gets you back". If you swear, then bark your shin? God gets ya.)

Well I got got by God last Friday. Heading into the parking lot at work last Friday, my mind fixed on the pending 3-day weekend, I started cursing up a blue streak as someone tore a$$ past me at at LEAST 30+ MPH. (Posted limits are 10mph) Now for our Non-MN readers, after recent snowfalls the demarcation between parking spaces is somewhat difficult to determine. Ergo, people start parking all higgledy piggledy nimby wimby, over lines, sideways, perpindicular. No parking lines ='s Mass hysteria.

Well the snow was clear enough that I was able to park well enough within my space when I see speedy Maru getting out of their vehicle, stemming another muttered utterance of cursing about their ability to drive, what their hurry was, if they were-in fact-suffering from a sight impairment or a weighted right foot. Yeah. Throw in some F-bombs and the fecal description of their brain matter, you'll have my monologue.

As I step out of my car, I place my foot on a chunk of road ice someone had either kicked off or had fallen off a wheel well. Placing my full weight on it before realizing it would smush, I proceeded to "roll" my ankle at an outward angle. That, friends, caused a shooting pain to fire its way up my leg to my lower back. More cursing ensued.

To get it out of the way, lest I forget at the end of the day and repeat my error, I casually throw a kick at it to boot it under my car- Not realizing of course that (A) it was frozen cemented to the ground and (B) had frozen to a consistency roughly that of concrete. I caught it full on the upper ball of my foot/big toe. THAT pain was a unique experience unto itself and I shall not share it on this blog. I won't. It was nearly spiritual.

Hobbling in to work, I reminded my self of the phrase "God'll get ya" and hence- the foundation of today's bliggity blog.

ps- I didn't notice it that evening, or even the next day. But under the harsh fluorescent glare in the locker room shower, that sucker took on a shade of dark purple that nearly made me woozy.

It was still in the low negative double digits

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