Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lost and Found

To start off- Your nonsense for the day:

I was really, really looking forward to my soup today and it does NOT disappoint. Chicken and Barley from Progresso rules.

I admire the heck out of the sub-zero joggers in my nabe. Truly. But the dude that vaulted over the snow berm at almost a 90 degree angle in a different trajectory than he was originally going? (Namely, cutting in front of my car without warning) Dude, do NOT look affronted. Get to the end of the sidewalk like everyone else.

"Neither a borrower nor a lender be..." Shakespeare
"F#ck you"...Mamet

That last one is nothing special. Lil' punch line to a joke I heard ages ago.

I'm fairly certain I've lent out a couple of books and DVD's that I haven't seen in a while. I was clued into this when I was over at Ry-Gonn's last week and reminded him that I want my copy of "Watchmen" back to lend to Moda. (He couldn't find it...oh, and sorry for calling you out on that. Awful dickish of me to have done on your birthday. No rush. She won't get to it by the time the movie opens...and you know...it's only the most celebrated graphic novel of all time...ahem. That last bit was for Moda.)

I've had a major jones to watch funky kung fu flicks, and my arsenal is short by two of my favorites- "The Legend of Drunken Master" which you should all. See. The final fight alone is worth the purchase. And "Iron Monkey", where you should all bow at the alter of Donnie Yen. IJS. Well, certainly I cannot survive on "Showdown in Little Tokyo" or "Crouching Frasser" alone? Certainly not.

And while I could survive on "Ghostbuster's" and "Blazing Saddles" to feed my desire for divine comedy, my need to see the "The State" boys riff through 90 minutes of mostly unscripted homage-ing to 80's teen camp films is not putting "Wet Hot American Summer" in my DVD player.

And sure, if I want weird films with extended fight scenes involving a man with a hammer who eats a living raw squid made by a crazy Korean director I could watch old home movies...But that just wouldn't be "Oldboy", would it?

If you have any of these, no need to comment back. No, no...discretion is the better part of valor and all that. Just know that I miss those movies. I miss them a lot.



momo said...

You didn't BUY "Oldboy" did you??

P said...

It was before your time, and I was assured by Matt A. that it was a "must see". How was I supposed to know the guy was going to eat a live, squirming octopus?!?!