Monday, January 12, 2009


I made that. Me.

Today's blog* is brought to you by the letter "Mo". (Who I'm fairly certain wants me to post an online declaration of her awesomeness at picking out birthday presents.) THIS particular gift was in the form of a sushi chef's knife, bottle of sake' (pictured behind said sushi) and a sushi making class offered at Tanpopo in Stipples. Yee Haw.
I woke up early on Sunday in a giddy birthday mood, forcing Mo to get up too. We scarfed a bit of breakfast (knowing that having to wait to eat may have been deadly) before skedaddling out to our 11-2pm class. From there we took our stations at got a-learnin'. We fanned the rice, looked at the variety of fishes. (The coolest bit? The enormous yellowtail she took out and carved while telling us the good versus the bad bits. It was literally fresh off the boat.) We started with a couple of inside out rolls, before butterflying shrimp and creating nagiri. From there, we moved on to more traditional rolls. (Which I thouroughly f#cked the heck up. Note to self- Not so much rice and filling, mmkay?) All the while, popping the occasional roll in our mouths (Or in my case- eating the spicy tuna and spicy crab mixtures directly from the serving bowl. You'll notice a random asparagus on top of the tray? That was no accident. That was pure gluttony.)
And yeah, I was excitable. Maybe even "gregarious to the point of being obnoxious to the other students/instructor". But it was exciting. And it was fun. And if I had the disposable income, I'd love taking all sorts of cooking classes. Thai, Indian, Italian...Mmmmm...
Well, that magnificent looking tray up there? Well from the end of class to nearly 8pm I spent thoughtfully mowing through the contents, (While periodically sipping sake. Hey! The sake serving set in my China Hutch isn't going to use itself!) Which meant I went to bed stuffed, AND early. Put it this way, I didn't make it through the first hour of the Golden Globes.
Yeah. I probably shoulda invited FeeJ over to help with that. Sorry FeeJ!
*I pronouned blog with a long "O". Blog-Blog-Blog. Cracked me up.

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