Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hygienical Gym Question...

Heck, even an "at home" hygiene question- When you soap up in the shower do you use a vehicle to assist in cleaning yourself up or do you just push the soap around? I mean, it's simply a surficant so I'd think all you do is lather up but it really does nothing in terms of cleanliness.

I only bring this up because of a conversation I had with Moda last weekend where I asked the same question which bore the response "Why...because you use a poof?" with the accompanying stare which said to me: "Do you know how I know you're gay? You use a poof at the gym".

No. I think the important issue is utilizing said poof (or a washcloth, loofah, whatever) as an exfoliating vehicle. Merely pushing the soap around to create lather in and of itself does nothing. (In my mind) So using something to remove the superfluous molting epidermal layers via sloughing should not be looked down upon. I guess since I sweat like it was going out of fashion I feel kinda gross anyway after my workouts so the extra scruba-lubbing diminishes that feeling. (Until I start to sweat again after dressing. Hooray for fat kid metabolisms)


I'm already experiencing the post-New Years misanthropy that goes with being a regular gym rat. I usually hustle there after work so I can sequester a treadmill in front of the TV that plays "Jeopardy". (Yes, I'm that OCD/Anal that I can time the time it takes to get to the gym, stretch, do my abs, and hop on a treadmill. SUCK IT!) Except this shining new face come durpy durping out of the locker room right after I did, grabs a towel, and gets on MY TREADMILL!!! I start mentally ripping on his running form, outfit, Ipod, pace...Yeah. Then the one next to it had an older woman wearing what looked like a pants suit walking her hearts content on the next one. (And she. Had. Too. Much. Perfume on. At the gym) I will love late January when the weekend warriors/Resolutioners start to talk themselves out of gym visits.

I just don't want to have to start going at 5am. Ugh. I should, I should...

Lastly...How. How is it that these ginormous bodybuilding dudes- You know. The one's wearing the Under Armour brand spandex shirts and matching tights. Thick worn leather weight belt. Sweat band. Wrist wrap support gloves. Brand new shiny white kicks.

How is it that they can walk in, go over to the squat rack, lower the bar, load 4 plates on each side, grab it, lift it, step back, do a single shrug (Accompanied by an exhale of air that sounds like "WHUT!!!") Step away. Unload the plates...Annnnd they're done.



Melinite said...

You said poof. :P I don't have the gym issue going on, so my poof usage tends to vary according to the weather. During cold and dry weather, I use it pretty sparingly. During the summer, I use it more often because I can't stand feeling sweaty. So, I guess if I were sweating after working out at the gym, I'd be using a poof there, too. Take that, Moda! I agree with Mikey! ~lol~

PS: Under Armor = pretentious and creepy.

P said...

Pretentious, maybe. And waaay creepy when they display it at Sports Authority on those freaky mannequins.

Lationi? Latin Lotion?