Thursday, January 01, 2009

Anyone else think that it's kinda jank?

To have to go into work on a Friday, the day after a National holiday off? That's just..."week-us interruptus" and we have to eat it.

Shows what I know. I've already had to take two unscheduled days of personal time off due to sickness. (Which, in this economy fills me with a certain amount of dread coming back)

Sighs. And what do I do? Stay up until close to 4am video taping an impromptu ABBA inspired dance party in the hopes that one of the guests will make as much of an ass of themselves as I did on my birthday. (They did. To be sure, being sick ensures that I won't be drinking fine pink champag-na to the wee hours and impeding the crap outta my recovery. And I did get some bueno footage, boy howdy)

No. Now I'm just tired. And will probably turn in at a reasonable hour after having some chamomile tea with lemon and honey. Think very hard about 2008 and what I can do better. Update my resume' some more. And try to complete "A Prayer for Owen Meany". A book that I very much should have probably read when I was a sophomore or junior in high school. (But the impact probably may not have resonated)

Happy new years, all. 2008 was a challenge, so let's all give thanks if we're still here and buckle down for a more optimistic 2009.

ps- "The Dark Knight" is 25 x's of cool the second time through. And probably will be the 5-10th time through.

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