Monday, January 29, 2007

Goo' bye, and skip to my "Loo'"...Tuh.

(Taken 1-28-07 during the "Loot" strike. Cedar Av sign-age coming down, and the new signage going out. Remind me not to ever hang signs out front in below zero temps. Doubly remind me not to dress in almost entirely black, stand in traffic, and make sure that they have enough clearance to get the sign out and around to hang it. Sheesh)

Well it was a good weekend all told. I headed home on Frids to nap and relax- then hitting Chino happy hour with Dorajar b4 needing to split to our respective shows. Traffic was a$$, and it made two things happen- My car got frassy again, and I was in a CUH-rummy mood that carried over into the weekend.

'Twas an okay show- We only had 160 in the house which was our smallest turnout to date. After it was over, I barrelled out to Stipples for the "Frassadeus" opening party. Maybe it was me, but you could tell that everyone was a little tired. (They had themselves a purdy stressful and late late night tech week.) We skipped town, watched the last 1/2 an ep of "SFU" and passed out.

Sats was spent cleaning and frassin' around with Big Brother. (Who spent a majority of the day hermited up in the attic like a latter day Anne Frank. Albeit, an Anne Frank who could just as easily throw 60 shuriken into the hearts of the Nazi's searching for her downstairs before any of them had a chance to say "schnitzel", but an attic-ed Anne Frank nevertheless. ) I wound up with two new fans, and a brain full of up-and-coming projects I can dive into with my new free time. The show, again, went well. We had a fuller house, and post-show I bolted out to get my home opened up and the chili and salmon servable.

It was a neat little soiree' (What with a cast of 5, makes for quiet "Jellybean-friendly" gatherings) The evening ended with Dorajar creeping upstairs to pass out while I frassed with our costumer and her friend over Dr. Who, and how the reversal of age in the individual Doctor's starting with Doctor # 1 and going to the present-Day incarnations is akin to a reversal of Jacques "Ages of Man" speech in "As you Like it". Of course that could have been the wine talking.

Sunds, we met some friends for a quick and easy brunch-let in the chilly a.m. hours before (again) splitting for our respective gigs. (Actors. Only actors would blast out of a breakfast date to make it in time for their call times. I had it the worst, with a 90 minute call time. Ninety. Minutes. I'll never let that one slide. Ever) We closed to an entertained audience (Save the woman in the seat in front of the food-table. I worked a bit where I interact with whoever is seated behind that particular modesty panel and throughout the run I've had some good interplay. This woman...oh let's just say that I bet she went home after the show and prayed for my ruination. It was the pants, I'm sure of it.)

Strike took up the rest of the evening, and by the time I got home I was cold, tired, frassy, and hunnnngry. Dorajar peeped over and we muddled through some more "SFU" before passing out.

So now...some free "X-masbaby" time. Just in time for Dorajar to start her 6 weekend run. Oof-da...

btw? If I win the lottery, the first FIRST thing I'm gonna do is buy TRP a new vaccuum. You will never understand frustration until you've sat in the same corner of the green room vaccuuming the same 5 by 5 square foot patch of carpet and nothing...NOTHING gets sucked up. Seriously. Worst vaccuum ever. Picking up the individual grains of sand would have been easier.


Best SO ever...

Not only does she get her own frassy back massooged, but in her endorphin released euphoria she gets me an hour massage too! (The comment "My shoulders are up to my ears" has been muttered by more than one interested party)

Spanks, Bunktunia!


Best brother ever.

No. Seriously. He made good on a b'day gift and stopped over Saturday and installed not one, but two...two magical fans. Fans by "Hunter". Hunter fans are very dangerous. They're liable to attack during the middle of the night. I will need to maintain constant vigilence. Constantly.

Thanks, RSvP. They're awesome.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Last weekend, yo!

To go see Rooty Tooty Fresh and Looty!

It's been getting well received, but I think that it's high time to be over and done. (It's a lot of coffin heaving for 4 weeks) Then it'll be off to focus on:

Finishing house projects. (Getting the base boards tacked in the kitchen, cleaning the, really cleaning the basement. Finishing the front porch pergo. Painting and gussying up the US bathroom. )
Karate (Every Saturday relegated to pre-test classes)
Working out (Another by-product of being in a show. Activity level just...plummets)
Studying again for the 6 (I have some overdue coffee shop dates)
Check into pt jobs
Check into flight info/travel plans. You. Rope.
Meet peeps I haven't seen in ages for beers
Visit folks bi-monthly
Finish "Six Feet Under"...consider starting either "Slings and Arrows" or "Nip/Tuck"
Make appointment for a check up at the local clinic. (Call first to see that they accept my provider)
Make appointment to see a Dentist. (Something I've woefully avoided for, um, too long)

That sounds like a good start. I'd post-poned making any stupid resolutions due to the show taking up such a large portion of my brain. Yeah, I think that's a good start.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

$785.50? Am I really that gross?

I kiped this from Portana. Just. Ugh. Just guess which ones I did. I'm kidding. Don't. For cereal.

This is fun to do. Just read the "offense" and if you've done it, you owe that fine. Keep going until you've read each "offense" and added up your total fine. When you are done, send it Back to the person that sent it to you by and your other friends. Title your email "My fine is $........"You don't have to confess your answers, just the amount of your fine.

>> Smoked pot -- $10>> Did acid -- $5>> Ever had sex at church -- $25>> Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who Was next To you> -- $40>> Had sex with someone on MySpace -- $25>> Had sex for money -- $100>> Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican -- $20>> Vandalized something -- $20>> Had sex on your parents' bed -- $10>> Beat up someone -- $20>> Been jumped -- $10>> Cross dressed -->> $10>> Given money to stripper -- $25>> Been in love with a stripper -- $20>> Kissed someone who's name you didn't know -- $10>> Hit on some one of the same sex while at work -- $15>> Ever drive and drunk -- $20>> Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still Drunk -- $50>> Used toys while having sex -- $30>> Got drunk, passed out and don't remember the night Before -- $20>> Went skinny dipping -- $5>> Had sex in a pool -- $20>> Kissed someone of the same sex -- $10>> Had sex with someone of the same sex -- $20>> Cheated on your significant other -- $10>> Masturbated -- $10>> Cheated on your significant other with their relative Or close Friend> -->> $20>> Done oral -- $5>> Got oral -- $5>> Done / got oral in a car while it was moving -- $25>> Stole something -- $10>> Had sex with someone in jail -- $25>> Made a nasty home video -- $15>> Had a>> threesome -- $50>> Had sex in the wild -- $20>> Been in the same room while someone was having sex --> $25>> Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars> -- $20>> Had sex with someone 10 years older -- $20>> Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 --> $25>> Been in love with two people or more at the same time> -- $50>> Said you love someone but didn't mean it -- $25>> Went streaking -- $5>> Went streaking in broad daylight -- $15>> Been arrested -- $5>> Spent time in jail -- $15>> Peed in the pool -- $0.50>> Played spin the bottle -- $5>> Done something you regret -- $20>> Had sex with your best friend -- $20>> Had sex with someone you work with at work -- $25>> Had anal sex -- $80>> Lied to your mate -- $5>> Lied to your mate about the sex being good -- $25>>

Now, some of the answers (some) I bastardized due to their un-specific nature. And yes, little boys pee in pools. They just do. And yes, it's gross.

But Jeezus. You'd never think walking around bare-ass in the great outdoors in the day time was only worth $15. At least I was never arrested though.

$785.50. At least I never went to jail?


Monday, January 22, 2007

New name...

I wake up sometimes in a sweaty fit, thinking that I've created the most wonderful stand up comedy routines. As the day wears on, I forget the funny funny and am left with withering guilt at my own inability to retain what could very well eventually build up to a successful comedy routine. (As opposed to, say, my annoying my SO with my tangential ramblings. For example, I found myelf waking up last weekend thinking that it'd be funny to pretend that I was speaking only Chinese words with the 'Ong' sound. Not, "Hey, funny comedy material" but literally "You wake up out of the fuzzy 'just woken up' state and say in conversational tones 'Tong Bong Fong Lak Sao Gong Song!'...I should be committed)

So, I end up really frassy b/c I had this whole routine in my brain circa 3:58 a.m. that circled around people who are mega-music appreciator's as opposed to the lackadaisical music-genre (I like what I hear that I like. I can't get into "who did what in 1982 to revolutionize the ______ sound!" I just like...stuff.) Anyway, I dreamt (in part) that I was frassin' with a music enthusiast who said: "Man, you have GOT to listen to this album by 'Ventricle'! It's called- 'White, Rye, and the Wheat that's In Between'. It'll change the course of your liiiiiiiife" And that's where it ended.

Well, I kinda remember the part where there was a lesbian in a car seat sitting in the back of a mini-van trying to get me to "come over"using come-hither comments (I resisted) and going over to MD's house for a party except she wanted me to come over and clean b/c she had hurt herself in a martial art related injury. (Par for the course.) She had empty upturned Leeann Chin bags and bugs were crawling everywhere. I went upstairs to get cleaning supplies and when I came back down there was no mess except her saying "What're you doing? Do you want to make people think my place is gross?"

Clearly, I need a vacation.
I just saw two guys with perms. Perms. Not "naturals'...honest to Goddess perms.

Number one sign of the apocolypse. IJS
You know who you are, oh temptress of brisket. You know what you do, being the corpsey-est corpse in corpse-ville. You know how I hover, o're the table of munchies like a vulture who circles o'er Conan in "Conan the Barbarian" when Schwarznegger is strung up to the "Tree of Woe" and the birdies swoop down on him and he has to fend them off until his buddies arrive.

You know who you are. And deep down, I hope that you know that I love you for who you are, and who you've been, and if I'm lucky? Who you continue to be. Mentor, Confident, Gentle-supporter, and the best part?


Happy B'day Redwright!

Ha' Bir' Best Man!

Happy Birthday Ry-Gonn!

My buddy Ry-Gonn has been my best friend since we first met during "Shake a Leg in the Park" back in 2000. After the run, he drunkenly hit on the gal who I was set to date for a bit during our closing party while we held hands. Mysteriously, we began hanging out more and more...sharing our share of cocktails, Star Wars trivia ( a word, was vaaaast) and "Jedi Power Battles" (Which ended upon his receipt of the PS2 gaming system, and his declaration that "Power Battles is 'Weak' when faced with 'Knights of the Old Republic', dude!"

Since then, we've frassed. Shared wine. Held each other up in the midst of heartache. And the guy was magnanimous enough and (IMHO) kind enough to name me as his best man in his wedding. Don't let people with ADHD make toasts.

So, it is with great honor that I say "Happy Christ's-age B'day" to my best friend Ry-gonn.

Many happy returns, friend.

Told ya so...

(Taken today, 1-22-07 at prove that it is in fact a 4.5 minute walk from my building to my office. F.Y if you are thinking "Well, at least it's exercise!" Exercise my a$$ when it's below zero windchill...Yeah. What?)

Great weekend. Great houses. Mama-san #2 Redwright made her dramatic stage debut as "mother's corpse". Cocktails and overdue conversations were had w/Portana-dana-ding-dong...and well? Sammy is right. Dorajar and I should invest in stock in the Triple Rock.

btw? "Six Feet Under" fans who are jussssst starting to enjoy it like me? Nathan is being a self-destructive dickhead.

That is all...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No, really...w.t.f.

Taken today at the McKesson Building, Downtown Mipples.

Yeah, I'm heading into this building for a aud/CB at this design studio when C-3PO here was just itching to get photographed.


ION, I was able to finally check out the Dejope casino spot. Yee to the Hizaw. It's okay, and they told me that they'd email a QT version if I wanted. Then they mentioned the outtakes. I looooove me some outtakes.


I hate wearing long underpants. Okay, to be fair I hate wearing pants...but dag, yo'.

Feels like I've got too many layers. And the waistband invariably rides up to about my belly button, above the waistline of my pants pants (Even though my dress shirt is tucked in) and it makes me feel like I'm wearing a girdle.

Frickin' sub-zero weather.

It doesn't help that the parking lot for my office is conveniently located 4 blocks away from my building. (Does someone want to explain this? No, really. You have to walk 4 minutes to get to the foot path that leads to the entrance of my building. In the summer, you sweat balls before getting inside. And in winter, the opposite. Gah.)

In other news, Sushi Tango happy hour= To avoid. It was as if they wanted to take as long as possible to serve us so that the hungry hungry sushi hippo that is me wouldn't capitalize on the low-prices. 15 minutes between ordering and receiving I understand. 27 minutes? Come on.

Dorajar and I are thinking of penning a Happy Hour book. You know, the po' actor's guide to cheap niblets in the Schwinn Titties.

Re-reading the above (re: Long johns) It occurred to me that I used to wear a Spider Man costume under my school clothes when I went to work. (Taking care to keep my mask safely hidden at the bottom of my book bag) I think I should just suck it up.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Da Good:

Here it is:

3 shows down. Redwright comes in this coming weekend. Party on Sunday.

The 'Bean is going out of town for 5 days. I get the house to myself for 5 days. These things are in fact important as hell.

Ro and Co came to the show on Frids.

Linzie and an old HS bud came to the show on Sunday. I hadn't seen her in over 14 years so it was nice to play catch-up.

Chino happy hour with buddies, and cute/polite/attentive servers.

3 packed houses fo' "Loot". The show is finding it's legs. Hoo. Ray.

I was still able to hang with aforementioned vid-playing buddy for a minnit.

I picked up Georgie-kitty some digestive aid from Petsmart that 'Bean agreed to try. I think he agreed to also babysit the cat's feeding so that he doesn't gorge gorge gorge all at once. (Which, to be honest, is my heart-felt diagnosis. The cat has nervous issues. That's not to say he isn't a furry/friendly representative of the feline race-He just waits until we've both been gone all day, runs over to his dish, and mows.)

I vaccuumed. That always has a calming affect

All mid-month bills have been paid toute suite.

Yogurt in 15 minutes.

It's the good Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s B'day today. Keep the dream alive.

The possibility of collaborating on the newest No Refunds Happy Crappy. What do you think, "Kung Fu Noir"- Hit or miss?

TLC is a genuine fella, and has been wonderfully complimentary to the cast about the show.

We're half-way through season 3 of "Six Feet Under"

Bomb-s#it veggie wraps were nibbled on Saturday night, and I've had two days of really yummy veggie omelettes.

The day is nearly half-way over.


The following, is a rant:

I woke up in a frassy mood yestiddy and it has kept motoring through my body into tah-day. There have been moments of anti-frass smattered throughout the last 25 or so hours, but still. I've been trying to breathe deeply just to keep my head clear. And, I believe that I've readily identified the sources of malcontent which have stirred up my brain. In other words, it could be:

Waking up yesterday and realizing that I hate, like, really hate not being able to exercise. This goes double for not being able to hit 'Fu. It just, makes my blood feel thick and I reeeeally need my endorphin fix if I want to concentrate. And right now, it just doesn't feel that way. And those justifications regarding the weather being crappy? Feh. Right now it feels like an excuse, and that just makes me remorseful. And it doesn't help that my trousers are getting a little tight, and not in the good way. AND it doesn't help that I just had some breakfast and I'm already staring at the clock like an impatient, hungry, hippo. >: (

How in spite of having quiet nights last week (Albeit, sickly) , it still feels like my life isn't really in my control. What has happened to all of my time?

I hate having a 90 minute call time. There, I said it.

I was back-sassed by a friend who I'd been playing phone tag with regarding my evening plans. (I suggested meeting up after my mat somewhere's for happy hour since I had peeps coming over. He suggested hanging out and playing vids.) "But c'moooooon! Duuuude, I want you to play this gaaaaame!" Ugh. Now, for cereal...does this tell folks the reason why I'm not so quick to jump on the bandwagon and drop a bundle on a Wii or whatever the f#ck it's called?

In terms of education of self, I still haven't had time to take the self-exams for my 6 since failing. I don't have to take the test for another 3 months (my "window") and I understand that it contributes to my sense of feeling unmotivated- well that, and coupled with the fact that almost all of my evenings since failing have been relegated to rehearsal/memorization. Which, invariably, feels like an excuse. More self-remorse. Boo. : ( Dorajar suggested I bring my study materials to the theatre (to fill a part of said, 90 minute call time. Seriously, why do we need 90 minutes again? Please tell me) But for the life of me I know I'll be distracted and I need a solid set time at home or a coffee house where there isn't someone walking through every 10 minutes saying "House opening" or "20 minutes!". Or someone asking me if I'd like to do fight call.

Speaking of the show, one of the actors who has been tasked with opening the vom curtains to aid entrances/exits/coffin & bed moving missed his cue for one of our final exits- forcing me (who was pulling this heavy ass rolly bed) to quickly stop before we went right through the curtain in spite of the fact that the actress helping me was still pushing-right. Over. My. Foot. It kills.

Das Wetter. I know it went from unseasonably warm to waaaaaay frickin' cold (hence, nosebleeds) tooooooo snow. The great type of powdery fluff that isn't too hard to shovel really, but once it hits and melts a little? Then the low temps freeze the s#it into a slick, treacherous, hit your windshield and immediately freeze up so that you can't see out but for a little slit that is magically situated right below your normal sightline. And even when the defroster has defrosted enough to clear it, you still have the kick back from the semi in front of you leaving a grimy mess. You know, I'm particularly pissed because it took me an hour to get to work today and 94 f#cking Eastbound still had runners from peoples tires. ( i.e. not f#cking plowed.) So I'm traipsing along the freeway at 35 miles an hour, stiff backed, clenched stomach. You know that back ache you tend to get when the weather sucks? That's what I'm-a sporting today. And no, I can't relax. Not when the f#cker behind me is barrelling forward and I KNOW that they won't be able to stop in time if I braked.

The toaster here at the office sucks balls. It takes (seriously) 5 minutes to toast my bread. 5, minutes. Sometimes use the loo, or fill up my water glass. Come back...yup. Still toastin'. And right next to the toaster there are 3-4 of those soft-sided "lunch totes" of varying shapes and sizes. I'm assuming they were removed when facilities does their "Friday fridge cleaning" - But they've lived there for over 3 weeks! Yeah, that irritates me too.

We have, by far and large, the slooooowest elevator in the world. 3 elevators in my bldg. All of which seem to be stuck on "2". When it arrives (of course, at the moment you start towards the stairs) Even the doors, open, slowly. The capper was when I ran in from the cold toward the elevator banks where there was one other dude waiting. We get on, he pushes 5 and I push 3*...when this guy audibly gives a sigh that read like "Oh great, now he's the hitch in MY giddyup!" It took all my willpower not to turn and say something. Douche.

I'm at work. On MLK jr. day. And today, is in fact, slow. I should be at home. Thanks, corporate, for issuing a "new" Holiday schedule. We won't have a paid holiday until Memorial day. January, through the end of May. Swell.

Mom called and left an acting note on my cell phone.

I think that I'm going to be sick of grapes and oysters after the run is over.

I re-read the talkinbroadway review and it got under my skin. Hal is shallow...stupid.

Wow. Okay. Mr. Sensitive today. Frass out.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Back at it...

Well let's see...Talkingb'way kiiiinda likes us in spite of ourselves. ( I credit TLC for clipping the show along. The review is killin' me. They be describing me as alllll kinds of shit)

Saint Cloud? When did Saint Cloud send someone down to the cities? Fah-KNEE!

2nd week is up and going. Last nights show had a case of the 2nd week slugs. (After grilling it and grilling it, we were slow to find our groove. Audience-no offense to RSvP and WeeF- weren't to hasty in warming to the humor) On the plus side, we're selling out the next few weeks and Steve-O tells us that he hasn't had that many reviewers/reviews for a show in a long time! Pip Pip! BUT, if any reader is thinking of going? Reserve yer tix STAT!

ION: Georgie Kitty is barfing. A lot. And lethargic. I've been google searching all day finding ways to curb this problem. He usually waits until late in the evening to do this, but last night he did it thrice after a bout of caterwauling which hailed said barfs prescense. A trip to Petsmart with some questions may be in order. We're just too poor to afford a vet visit. I'm hoping it'll pass. I take the care and well being of both roommate and kitty very seriously. : (

IO(other)N: I had a frassy sink and faucet giving me grief. After finding water pooling under the sink, I found out it was where I attached the new sprayer and tightened it. Apparently, I'm no Bob Vila, but nothing says nothing like a man in a bathrobe with a flashlight and an emptied out sink cabinet (With all the cleaning supplies and garbage bags strewn about the kitch. Yay)

IO(other other)N: The mo-fo's from no refunds may be staging a "5/5ths" Series for the Fringe in April, in addition to a possible re-mount of GMIKFTH. Will I work with those jokers again if they ask? ( Doi)

IO(other other other)N: I saw the strangest sight today. A mini-van had an X-mas tree strapped to the roof. And not a dead-bagged tree, I'm talking "Hey, we just got this off the lot for a STEAL" kind of way. It issssss January 13th, isn't it?

IO(other other other other)N: Redwright makes me laugh a lot with her text messages.

IO(Other other other...Jesus, just make a point P!) "Six Feet Under" season 3 episode 10 made me cry. After the show last night, in lieu of cocktailing I high-tailed it home to a barfy cat and Dorajar and I sat through 2 eps back to back. Staying up until nearly two a.m. in the process. Add. Dicts.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

There be two more!

Am I an omnisexual? Does that mean I have sex with science magazines? They're still spelling my name right! (Although seeing first/middle/last name is a little weird looking to me)

Stribby dug it:

As did the CeeP' their own passive aggressive back-handed way of complimenting something.

I wonder if Lav is gonna run something. TLC told me that when they called him for promo information the first sentence out of the interviewer's mouth was: "Okay Okay...first off, I'll need ALL of the gay references"

Not gay, dude. "Complex". Dad sez so.

Monday, January 08, 2007


I've been having wicked, vivid dreams lately. Really vivid. Very wicked. Some with pieces and bits of violence, which always brings me concern. (Not "dream me" committing the acts. Just, general violence)

One of them was very "Saw"-esque which is bizarre since I never saw the movie. (And after describing the dream to Sammy, he tells me that my dream was probably better than any of the films) Big house. People wrapped in razor wire. Trick rooms. Pentaveret individuals. People being shot. I try to use flattery on a lady to get my a$$ out of there. It works, but I have to go back b/c Dorajar's roommate is trapped in there. I go back in and am told that I have 5 minutes to find her and get her out b4 it's curtains. I go, and find out that the only way to get out is to unlock the door with a code. The trick was that I had to write "The Wizard Of Oz" on a dry erase board next to the door. I was given this nugget of info from a ice machine like you'd see at a hotel, which dropped the hint from it's downspout. It also spoke in a voice like Al Pacino.

Another found Dorajar and I at the end of our relationship. She told me that it was time to get a-ramblin and so she ambled off to search for...something. I decided to up and leave and move to New Mexico. An artist colony. I met a earthy, pretty, hippy artisan who made high-end turquoise and silver jewelry for tourists. She had an art gallery next to her home and we started seeing each other, albeit lightly. During her exhibition, she told me that my soul was on fire and I had a fierce and restless spirit. "We should stop seeing each other and maybe you should wander". So I did. We had a long kiss behind some paintings while dealers and admirers wanders and then I was there, in the desert, looking back at this white stucco artists colony under the darkness. I had a brief encounter with a fellow wanderer before coming back to Dorajar. We spent our first night back together in a room where the entire floor was a mattress.

What made me unsettled about that dream was how not-unsettling it was. Like, everything was as it should be. There was no sense of loss. No Feeling of remorse. It was just as it should be.

Other dreams were scary...Paul Hogan and his mate were burgulars who apparently were owed $21K and I was the one to get it to them. I met a co-worker from our Policy Change dept. who fronted me the money. He was wearing this Vikings sweatshirt he always wears.

I met Paul and his partner at a campground and told them I had the check. I saw other co-workers, and they were all crying and scared and I knew why. As soon as I gave them the money it was over. We were all dead. I saw my boss there, and I kissed her on top of her head. I told her that everything was going to be okay, and I went to meet my fate. Except...

Then I was road tripping in a UPS truck. I was with some non-descript people who told me that I was on map-detail and needed to get us from Texas to St. Louis MO. At this point things get fuzzy.

Honestly, I don't know what this all means...but I'm gonna keep writing'em down anyway.

I suppose this means...

We'll get skewered in the other reviews...(sighs) At least they spelled my name right. (Man, the cast is right though. Do we absolutely need our full names in there? I asked them to 86 my middle name from the program. It just seems...unwieldly. Like a box spring that's a bitch to get upstairs.

Read all about a cyncical fart...farce

Of course they'd come on a bad show night...

Well we're up and off, pampers.

To say the show start was rocky is a bit of an understatement. I know actors tend to frass over the minutae of their own performances but this show does have a few technical tricks that probably could have stood to be ironed out a wee bit more before opening. That being said, I honestly think that the show has been slowly finding it's groove bit by bit. And by Sunday, we were pretty much close to where we needed to be. (In addition to being in desperate need to get away from it for a couple of days.)

Ooooo. Time out. I'm spying a gorgeous sunrise out the window. If you're reading this at 7:30am? LOOK LOOK LOOK!

I'll give you an example of the play by play, with the inclusion of the corresponding flubs/injuries incurred by the klutz-yours truly. (Shit that most audience members won't notice, but I have to point out to everyone and their cat after the show like it matters. "White Male Actor Seeks Validation after his show. Ability to seem genuine a plus.")

Thurs- Pre to the Viz-you
Redwright, Ma, and Pa in the house. Hochlender was there and didn't stick around afterward. Also, didn't do his normal posting praise which he does for almost every show he sees. I take this as a sign that he didn't care for it. In spite of my normal "not give a fuckedness", I get a lil' concerned. The show itself goes reeeeeasonably well in spite of the trick coffin lancing my thumb and starting to bleed. I proceed to paraphrase my next line while sucking my right thumb like I'm Linus. Post show, Redwright and folks are both pleased which makes me feel a bit better. Comment of the night:
(Mom) "Why do you always have to be GAY in these plays?!?!?"
(Dad) "Dammit, he wasn't GAY, he was COMPLEX!"

Frids- Opening. Nice house. Had sushi Happy Hour with the Mo and Callboard crew. Did the show. During the show, I grab a chip from the snack tray (*We have a fairly "food heavy" show and I wind up eating approximately a can of oysters a night. However on Friday our SM forgot the can opener, so we made due with sardines. Which unfortunately don't "pop" into your mouth as easily) Pop the chip in my mouth and realize that it's WAY too big to masticate before my next line. Start spraying crackers out of my mouth during dialogue with Sammy. Sammy turns it into a "bit". Then the trick casket "tricked", gouging my left thumb. Again, I proceed to paraphrase my next few lines while sucking my thumb in order to avoid getting blood on costume. I consider making this a bit.

Jabas, Kaiser, and Nic were at the show. Didn't see anyone else post-show. Hooked up with Moses and hit "Tracy's" (God, it's been 10 years since I'd been there. At least pre-smoking ban.) Home. Passed out. Realized that this show exhausts the holy f#ck out of me.

SATS- (A day of rest, and cleaning. Yeah. Jammed my damn vacuum with the amount of dog and cat hair that accumulated over the holidays. At least my house smells of wood polish and "clean" instead of festering...yuck.)

In an attempt to ward off sickness, Moses and I hit the aforeblogged Triple Rock for vittles. She drops me off and I nap for 20 minutes. Not a good sign. I groggily awaken for the show. Things go reeeeeelatively smoothly. All lines are a go. When the "trick coffin" bit starts, some of the actors missed their cue- Causing Sammy and I too ad lib. Coffin bit falls on my leg, splintering a bit. I feel...something? It kind of feels painful and splintery but I just want to get on with the show. This time I actually mumble over a line in an attempt to get it out. When I exit, I'm not even down the stairs b4 my are pants off. There, in my thigh, is a sliver roughly the size of a broken toothpick. I was about to ask for tweezers when I realize that there was enough poking out of my leg to pull it out myself. As I stood their pantless, cursing, trying to remove the remaining wood shards from my pants the SM comes down and comments on how I "Seem To Be Having trouble with those lines" in a knowing manner. I shoot daggers at her that I hope brought my point across. The 2nd act, brought a wonderful moment when another actor jumped 2 pages of dialogue. Missing my favorite (albeit, weirdly placed) cathartic moment onstage.

I find out later, that this was da night most of the critics decide to pay tribute.

Gangle and his Weef, Mopes, X, BWJ, Duddy, Lis, and in a surprise surprise moment my ol' buddy Nai-Nai and her Hub-Hub all came. Hi's, Kisses, and hugsgaboda were had.

Dorajar and I felt like ass, so we went home, took some Ny-Quil, and passed the natural hell out.

Sunday was fine. The show went fine. Badda Bing Badda Boom. FeeJ and Huge were there. Photo call was had. Went home. Made Thai food while Dorajar did homework on the couch. Watched "Talladega Nights" with she and 'Bean. And here we are.

Weird. Why the sam hill couldn't they-a come on SUNDAY!?!?!?


I know that there is a renewed interest in the public regarding detox diets. I'm all for'em. Really really. Lotsa stuff collects in yer bowel-ables over time (Notice I avoided saying "crap"? Redundency can be so...toxic) 'specially when you have a poor diet. I don't think the idea is healthy when you assume that you can eat like shit, give yourself a power flush, and go back to the same diet. I mean, that's like dieting to lose weight. Getting down. Then power-chowing your way back up again. I digress...

Anyway, if y'all are looking for a cheap "power cleanse"? I highly recommend the garlicky mock-duck salad and black bean vegan chili* from the Triple Rock Social Club.

I was toxic in the dressing room and backstage at TRP. Sorry cast.

*Okay Okay. I had grilled chicken in the chili. Don't ask me why, but I kinda like seeing the pieces of grilled white chicken meat in there to break up the landscape of the chili. Shup.

Friday, January 05, 2007


I'm in the zone. Not as frassy as I was a year ago at this time. Bring it.

Critics'll be critics. They'll be split, as the two major rags are. The rest (Pages, Lav, etc) well, with the exception of Lav (Which'll notice the "gayness" I was told. Gayness...btw. My ma said "gay" my dad was magnanimous enough to say "You were complex")

So yeah. We open. Come. Please. It's worth it for my hair...and my pants. Which Redwright told me should be tighter. Sooooo any tech-ies reading this, I need "religion-revealing" trou.

; )


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Go see my show!!! (Hint Hint, Plug Plug)

Theatre in the Round presents:

Joe Orton's "Loot"
directed by Terry Lynn Carlson
January 5th - 28th.
Friday's and Saturday's @ 8pm, Sunday's 2pm.

About this show:

“...quick-witted, pungent & sprightly entertainment.” - SUNDAY TELEGRAPH

Hal and his friend Dennis have robbed a bank next door to a funeral parlor and decide to stash the loot in what they think is an ideal hiding place — the coffin of Hal’s recently-departed mother. To make room for the cash, though, they must discreetly dispatch Mum’s remains to a wardrobe cabinet — at least for starters. Further complications ensue as the tediously tenacious Inspector Truscott comes to call; ill luck befalls the coffin; and Mum keeps getting in the way. Through it all, the increasingly desperate lads struggle to keep their cool and not leave any incriminating details hanging.

Called a “Freudian Nightmare” and a masterpiece of macabre farce, LOOT is a wild-eyed parody of detective fiction that flicks wicked barbs at conventions of death, religion, and justice. Forty years after its premiere, it remains one of the most indelible works from the scandalous pen of Joe Orton.

(I'm playin' "Hal", playa's. We preview tonight, and I'm thinking that we're about as ready as we'll ever be, yo. Come on. Don't be shy. You know you wanna see my pants.)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Holiday Post-Mortem...CSI style.

I killed Christmas...didn't I?

Sap protection program. Yes, I have latex gloves readily available. Are you scared yet? (You should be...*)

So I came home the other day (1/1/2007) to discover a frassy Jellybean strip strip stripping the tree of ornaments. He took to heart my comment regarding "making sure the holidays are actually 'over-over' after the New Year". I folded and put the inexpensive (yet tasteful) tree skirt away when I planted my hand smack dab in some gloppy sappy glue. And crud, does that shit take forever to get off your hands. I was sticking to everything. Even the soap dispenser which threatened to remain permanently affixed to my thumb. So I donned some gloves (With the residual sap that wouldn't come off? Well, let's just say taking the gloves off was a chore into itself) and took down the Holiday. Dragging it out to the alley for it's final destination in the Gray Haven...for tree's.

Sick as I am? (I have the day off today) Doesn't the tree in the tree bag look like it's wrapped in a tree "body" bag? (If you've ever seen the original "Nightmare on Elm Street" you'll know what I'm talking about) And then here's me with my latex gloves....Have I just been watching too much "Six Feet Under" for my own good? Ugh. Don't question my subconcious. I won't even begin to tell you about my Ny-Quil infused dreams last night. Two words...okay, technically three. Aztec. Bat wings. 'Nuff Said.

*Seriously, when you did as much painting frass as I did around here, you have shit like latex gloves lying about. And you know? The less expensive tree's on the lot? They're not all that bad. For a last minute tree frasser, I think I did okay. BUT, it's the fucking needles'll get ya. Seriously, the cheap tree's have punji darts for needles. And they hide, so when you're cleaning that corner next...oh, let's say "Spring"? Ya plant your foot RIGHT in the tree needle the vaccuum missed. Oof. I just got goosepimples thinking about it.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I'm getting sick. F#ck. I'm not sure how this crap managed to sneak up on me, but ooohhhh man.

New Years party was fun fun for buddies, and Morajar and I commented that it was considerably less debauch than it could have been. (With the exception of BWJ trying to give my SO a reeeeeeally long attempted open-mouth midnight kiss. Does the phrase "hands off my Kool-Aid" mean nothing anymore?) I was gonna write a post earlier on the 31st commenting that rain and green grass don't seem very New Year's eve-ish...Even though by 3pm that s#it allllll changed with the wintery onslaught that followed...which will most likely be gone by 3pm today. (Nobody caught the irony of my asking "Do you know what day it is?" I mean, c'mon- it doesn't resonate with ANYone else that it was frassin' RAINING on NYE? I'm dorkish)

Rewind (This blog is kind of like the movie "Memento"...telling it with a backwards narrative and shit.) So I frassed and frassed over my lines until I'm confident that I'm 95% accurate and off book. At rehearsal, the decision was made to 86 our first Wednesday preview in lieu of more fine-tuning work. We got the casket prop, and made a very important discovery-
That f#cker is heavy. Hey. Vee. And we, meaning Sammy and I, were charged with figuring out the best way to get mother out of the coffin and into the closet. By the 8th attempt, I had abrasions all over my thighs and knee's and in spite of trying to be "back smart" (Letting my legs do the work, flexing my tummy muscles while lifting etc.) I could just feel the tainted beginnings of injury creeping in. (There's little room for purchase, so we were forced to find hand holds where there weren't any)

Well that, coupled with my shovelling my sidewalk and the neighbors, meant soreness for buddies. Last night I spent in my tv room with 'Bean and Dorajar- Hopped up on muscle relaxer's and codeine...with the vaguest hints of illness creeping in. (That great, dry ass cough where NOTHING is produced. Yuck)

Sorry about the bitchy nature. I'm back to forcing fluids now.

Pip Pip!