Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Series 6...taking over my life.

I feel like I haven't been "here" in weeks.

It'll feel nice when this is over. 3 days of instructor led class that starts off with "This will probably be one of the hardest examinations you've ever taken. The NASD wants to trick you on the questions. Skimmers? You might want to re-think how you take exams..."Well, that did tons for my confidence.


Happy Birthday Momma P. Hope you enjoyed your Indian Niblets last night!

(She got a frame with this pic, and the same pose w/ me, age 13...if I had a scanner, I'd scanner in the morning. I'd scanner in the eveeeeening...Anyway. You know)


Prof. Chowie said...

P, When's your testing window?

Don't listen to that donkey of an instructor. Slow yourself down a bit, and don't read too much into the questions.

Melinite said...

There but for the grace of God, go I. Best wishes on your testies.

tallen said...

how does the girl who never even had a puter have a scanner?!

testies... btw... ;-)