This is a fearful looking me, next to the relief self-portrait image at "Chambers" last night. Even though it's hard to tell, it's actually kind of like a mannequin sticking out of the wall ("It's like Hagrid-sized" said I/"More like a cave troll" said Mags)
Anyway, I don't know what's scarier. The dude, or the hairstyle to the right of the dude. I need a f#cking haircut.
Your hair is better than fine... it looks good! Grrrrrrrrr!
That. picture. is. just. weird.
Not you my dear P but the guy on the wall. Creepy.
I need a haircut, too. A little bit of product, and I've got the Hedgehog look nailed.
Well...that takes care of a H'ween costume then, doesn't it?
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