Monday, October 02, 2006

Lame. Lame'?

Apologies if I've bored you w/dis story before.

Friday I worked late ('til 6pm) and 'Peppa was gonna come over for some Thai curry goodness. We had planned on hitting Kelly's out in Stipples for a lil' coordinated gathering of buddies. Our RSVP was in. We were committed. We were ready.

After din-din, we still had about 90 minutes to kill, so I suggested a quick power-nap* to help us obtain our second wind before hitting the road. Up the steps we climb, and lay down at approximately 8:45pm.**

Fast forward to 9am.

We're lame as h#ll. And apparently we needed the sleep.

* Yes. By "power nap" I meant "power nap". I reside in the gutter, but that doesn't mean I don't come up for air now and then.

**Granted, we did have a moment of pause around 10:30pm when briefly broke the surface of slumber, both sweating curry and needing to go to the bathroom. We tried moving and realized that it was pointless to try and even get out of bed.

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