Monday, October 30, 2006


It was a busy week last week, frassers. All I can provide is a re-dick re-cap of the weekend events:

Friday. I started my day at 5:30 am and didn't get home until close to 1am after doing 3 tours. I was fucking tired, and amazed that I got through it. Needless to say, the following happened-

I didn't wake up until 11am. Yeah. I stumbled downstairs to a quiet roommate and my karate gear-bag by the front door. The coffee I had pre-set to start brewing at 8am was already off, and cold.

In spite of 3 different parties going on Saturday night, I opted for something different: To stay in. This was important on so many different levels I'd rather not share, but sufficed to say staying in with Dorajar, the 'Bean, and Georgie kitty watching that tripe that was "An American Haunting"* was more important to my mental well-being than I can articulate. Very. Important.

Sunday- The 'Bean raked. I ran errands and studied...(And failed another practice exam, miserably.) After naplets and a wonderful happy hour sushi nibble it was time for the Market.

In spite of not being very keen on "couple" costuming, I acquiesed to the 'Bean and Dorajar's request that we do a group adventure for the Market costume contest. (Mama-san was unable to get the magical spidey suit finished in time. And all of my other choices were just...not fun?) So, we were off to make the world a safer place as Popeye (the 'Bean) Olive (the Mo) and Swee' Pea...(Yours truly. With a truly-truly "thrown together at the last minute" ensemble of a baby bottle, bib, pillow case slash diaper w/pin. Yeah. The when the 'Bean asked me if I was going to "shade in my abs" it made me feel very secure in my lack of clothing. Although, he was ultimately super grateful that I agreed to do it, which kind of...kind of softened self-consciousness)

All told, it was a pretty swell evening. We came in 3rd place in the costume contest, to which the 'Bean swears up and down we were robbed. (LOL). I managed to act/look the fool and try to pick up the Pust which only succeeded in me going down on one knee, cracking it on the floor. Ouch-time. Everyone looked spiff-tacular and I continued my record of being a moronic talky-meat when I go to gatherings and there's too much for my ADHD addled brain to process. (ex: Talking smack about ex's, Singing off-key, frassin too much about how I looked douchey.)

So today...we're at today. Is it after Halloween yet? I have all these props but no time to decorate. (sighs) And that kind of bums me out a little. H'ween used to be a time that my fam would decorate the s#it out of our house. Now the best I can muster is two uncarved pumpkins on my counter-top, and a pair of skeletons which only seem to interest the visiting Mormon's who stopped by last night when we were getting ready. (The 'Bean sure scared 'em off.)

Well, my programmable door bell is set on "Spooky" I guess.

Happy Samhain, y'all!

*I was adding commentary during the entire movie. This was only stopped when Dorajar made a comment that the Bell daughter in the movie was about to get a$$-raped by a ghost. This prompted me to say "Well. There it is. Mo-Mo has officially surpassed me in terms of off-color commentary."

1 comment:

P said...

Changed...NO NAMES!