Wednesday, October 18, 2006

We never talk...*

At some point...we stopped communicating verbally...

It started so innocently. Jellybean moved in. We started getting the feelers as to how each other operated. There was a period of adjustment, to be certain. After all, up until then my only roommates had been RSvP and exes. The 'Bean's daughter manages a local chain coffee house so I've been promised her weekly allotment since neither he nor daughter imbibe the filthy dark roast which many years ago, o'er took my life. If we run out now, this is the type of message that will now fill the dry erase board which resides on my fridge. It's eventually going to get to the point where we cease talking entirely...the walls of my renovated kitchen covered in strange images that only a latter-day Lord Carnovan will be able to decipher. I imagine in several thousand years when all of our homes have been buried by the following civilizations...future archeologists will puzzle over the strange way their ancestor's communicated.

I've established my legacy without even trying. Wait'll they try and figure out what the drawing's I leave when Georgie-kitten barfs all over the rug and I find it in my bare feet, mean.


* When I was in college...I had this gimmick where I would, in order to introduce myself to someone who I had "heard of" or had seen on stage/in class-but never talked to- Well...I'd be next to 'em at a party and say "-------? We, uhhhhh, we never talk anymore..." It's as good of an icebreaker as any.

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