Saturday, October 21, 2006

The triumphant return of the banana-hammock...

*Or, "Thank God I didn't buy the thing for one show and I'll have spent the money for 1 lousy gimmick!"

Sometimes there are benefits to being a go-to guy for directors. Usually it comes when you start to feel pretty lousy about not getting cast in a while. Although this gig is...slightly different?

So BCT is doing "The Fuuuuull Monty" and they needing an US. I'm thinking, "okay...they need an understudy. Cool" But no, they need someone to go on for 2 shows. "Okay. Does this mean I'm gonna need to show my dick? It's a thrust stage, right?" This is where the mild panic sets in- Not only am I up to my eyeballs studying for my series license, but I'm gonna have to learn a track/lines/'ography/and music. B@ll$. Flashbacks to 'Schooner at the old HT come to my brain. (For the unitiated, I was called in to US 2 days before they opened. Not US ONE person, but all 5 principle's...riiiiiight. My script looked like I took out multi-color pack of highlighter's and made rainbows on the pages. I panicked NIGHTLY around 6pm on show nights.)

Thankfully, it was for naught. The role is pretty minor in the scope of the run (The stripper who frasses around the "Monty" boys wives while they look on.) but he's in the opening scene. I called the Prod. SM and got an "I love you" before I had even introduced myself which made me feel pretty good. We hashed over the delicate matters of show times, the fact that they are teching next week and that I can watch as many shows as I want to before I'm needed. The biggest (snerk) question I had was "Should I bring my own banana-hammock"? /"Yeeeeeah, why don't you bring it, and we'll see what the costumer has to say. I know you'll be getting break away pants for sure"

These conversations are only a small reason I keep doing theater. I just can't make this shit up.

So yeah. Monty. Stripper. I just got back from karate a few minutes ago, now I'm off to do crunches and jog. Do not ask me to have cake. I'm gonna be frassy about that shit for the next few weeks, yo.

And no, I'm not telling my reader's when I'm going on. The last thing I want is a subversively taken photo of my hammock taken and posted on the internet. That means you, Planet Dan... ; P

Butt-cheek frass


Portana said...

For those of us who dont have camera phones, are you gonna let us in on the dates? :-)

Melinite said...

You understudied Schooner?? The first one?? I crewed that show!!

And you know Brian Allard.

You've been stalking me for years, haven't you??

P said...

Peen sack...btw.

Two matinee's in November. Oddly and funnily enough they are the two Mat's that aren't sold out. The allure of the hammock isn't strong enough to play to a sold out house, methinks.

I US'ed the 2nd Schooner. And truth is, I only went to the theatre 3 or 4 times so I didn't get to meet too many of da crew.
(And seriously, who calls in a US 2 days before opening? Give a guy some rehearsal fer pete's sake!)

Allard I met that previous summer doing Guys and Dork's at MFT in Albert the Lea. We were "housed" in an Episcopalian Church. W/O A/ July...on Hobbit beds in the church Nursery. (Our feetsees stuck over the end)

Needless to say, we spent a majority of the time in the cooler basement drinking Cape Cod's in the "community hall"...

Roman said...

Lil' brother,

Why'd you take my underwear?

P said...

I really don't want people to know that we share'em...