Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Today's a.m. dialogue brought to you by the letter "P"

(On my way to series classes this morning, I stop into the local Holiday en route for some OJ, a water bottle, and a low fat blueberry muffin.)

Check out guy- "COG"
Me- "P"

COG- " ' Kay, we got orange juice, water, annnnnd (spying the opaque pastry bag) uhhhh"
P- "Low fat blueberry muffin"
COG- "Right...(Eyeing more carefully) You got one muffin in there orrrr..."
P- "No No. Uno Muff"

P bursts out chortling at his own pseudo-pervy sense of humor. This is what happens on precious little snooze time.

1 comment:

P said...

Well...yeah, kinda? The low-fat muffins were less expensive than the normal ones. I coulda got gypped, yo.