Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Fightin' the winter blah's...

And they seem to be winning.
(Photo taken on 8/19. Dorajar's B'day..."day" at Minnehaha Park. 78 degree's and Sunny)

I know I haven't been post-a-saurus rex lately. Last week was sort of a bum week for me. Debbie Downer Douchebag. For starter's- Being w/o my own car for 2 days (And still not fixed) The Full Moon, exhaustion, feeling sickish, not having jogged in too long (Corrected this Sunday, thank you) Panic over tests/routes, Panic over $ (unfounded...but there) bad auditions (Which, surprisingly, I get a callback for. Go fig.) Starting the tours (which always stress me out a little) Cooling weather (Where did my summer go? I have so much more outside I need to finish!) God, I almost went as far as posting a "say something nice about me 'cause I really feel like poo" blog. It accumulated to an uncomfortable point.

And I just ain't that kinda blogger, kittens.

And then I reviewed the weekend and thought to myself: "Shoot. It almost seems the same as last week, you know? Moped and I hit 2 cheapie happy hour after starving ourselves through our respective Friday's. Start at Figlio. Cross to Chino. Have our cheap wine and niblets. Engage in WAY too deep of contemplative conversation. Go home with the intention of taking a quick power nap b4 checking out Oktoberfest- We pass out at 8:30pm. And basically I stayed in bed until 9am the next day. I have become the lamest of lames for the 2nd Friday in a row.

What happened to me? I mean, I'd noticed other people's mood shiftsi. (cough cough...Portana)

But stuff did happen this weekend, yes it did, yes it did. I made the executive decision to-
(A) Accept that Saturdays was going to be close to 80 degrees. And b/c of it prolly being the last nice day of the year- I'm not gonna spend it in the dojo or gym.
(B) I was going to meet some of MeeP's friends who headed up from Lawrence to visit.
(C) We were gonna have brefkist, then check out the Orchard.
(D) I was gonna do the tour with a good attitude brought on by a nice nap.
(E) I was going to listen to AL play some of "The Jazz" at D'Amico Cucina afterwards.

Of course, I have some residual self-loathing at not having worked out or studied. I got over it by the time our food came at Hell's Kitchen (Where you should all. Go. Ralph Steadman art COVERs the walls. Great food. Make reservations) The orchard visit was fine, although brief. (Too many pampies. The lines were too long for the free wine-tasting and we decided that our time would be best spent sitting around my patio- just the 6 of us. Good Times. )

Tour was fine. Cleaned up, headed to D'Amico. Sat down. Nibbled some of the free gourmet chocolate AL hooked us up with. Didn't spend a nickel. Home. Then Bed.

Sunday I set out my "to-do" list: Finish the cedar mulching (check) cover the A/C for winter (Check) bring in the power vac to clean the basement (check)...And I ran. It felt like lightening spiking down my leg (Gotta think about new shoes, again. Frass) But I did run. Oh yes I did.

See, I think it was time for a moment of perspective. I think that"Go Go Go"is fine and all for ekeing every little morsel out of life. I do. But I think that there are merits to being able to sit back and take a deeeeeeep breath...and let out the frass. I was wearing myself out and didn' t even know it.

So, this week good stuff indeed. Dinner with the extended fam tonight. Karate. Working out. Studying. "Sylvia" on Thursday. Toury Tours Frids and Sats.

I'll keep you posted. (No worries if I don't chime in daily.)

1 comment:

Portana said...

I do know how to rub off on peeps, dont I ;-)
Mood in much better check thanks to an evening out at the Market. Which I forgot to call you and the Mo to come down to--my bad. Jabas and the RPK extended fam was there. A much needed break from the suburbian hell and cost savings that will be going on for the next year or so.

Blog on the way about better things, I promise.

BTW--word verification was bybypu--you cant make up that shite. lol!!!!