Hey folks-
It's been a v.busy and frassy week so I apologize for not being Posty-McPosterson. Come to think of it, it started on Sunday and in spite of a few brief respites it's kept on being non-stop shite.
I'd like you all to give mad props, love, support, and well wishes to MD, Shinobi-Wan, Matty-Boom Boom, and that hack...Wong. All of whom are going to be compete-abling this Friday and Saturday out in St. Paul at the Diamond National Tournament. I won't be able to attend due to work frass (see above commentary on "Shite Week") but I couldn't let it go by w/o giving these might warriors a shout out. Except Wong. The hack.
In the immortal words of RSvP before my first tournament ever:
Thanks for the support hon, I'll save a kick for you :)
thanks bro...
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