Monday, October 02, 2006

Clod Pants...

There's a good reason I'm not fighting/forming at Diamonds: I need adult supervision at all times and I'd wind up a hazard to myself more likely than not.

I cut my face while shaving, for example. Most of y'all might say "Hmm, people cut themselves shaving all the time." But no, my readers. I literally "cut my face" while shaving. Don't ask how...I cut my face about a half an inch right below my eye.

So, if you saw it and wonder what happened- there it is.

Just back up my story when I say "What happened? I survived having 75 shuriken thrown at me while fighting off ninja's, THAT's what happened!"

Yeah. Durp durp durp durp. Not to mention the fact that I woke up uber-sore today (Why do my hands hurt? Why does my lower back and ribs hurt?) when I realized that "Oh, right, you were doing your 'Circle Jerk Du Soleil" impressions for Linzie last night on the rope swings in your back yard."

Smart man I am. Grrrreeeat. So instead, I'm thinking I'm gonna be a spectator and provide moral support to MD, Shinobi-wan, and Matty Boom-boom. As for Wong?

That hack can fend for himself. ; )

1 comment:

Shinobi-wan said...

I guess I'll let it slide.