Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I'm thinking that after having been a "nibbles goody two-shoes" for the run of the show, I'm fixing to get some naughty vittles as a treat.

Hmmmm...this makes me wonder, whut, exactly, I should nosh?

The 1st place my brain went, was 'za. I haven't had Luce' 'za in ages (Ooooo, Greek). Or Uptown pizza...(Their "Florentine Pizza" is the bomb. Pesto Tomato sauce, garlic, broccoli, and spinach. wOOt!) Or find a Little Caesars somewhere. Something about the stupid little bubbles that form on their pizza make it so frassin' good.

And THEN there is the all mighty Boo-Fay. I hurt myself a few weeks back at the Indian Buffet, I've still been checking out the boo-too choices in my 'hood. Crescent Moon or Holy Land for Middle Eastern? One of the massive Chinese "Buffet-o-ganza's"located out in the 'burbs? My folks have swore by, wait for it: Shangrila. I spelled it right...not "Shangri-La"... My dad tells me that they have boo-too fresh seafood protein choices. Salmon, Lobster, Crab, Mussels, Octopus, sushi (Ooooo, could I attempt eating my weight in sashimi?)...He emphasized fresh. For all that boasting, it's worth a trip out to the sticks I'd wager.)

I could take a half-day and hit El Meson for Carribean? (And, use my coupon dealio for their 1/2 price bottle of wine, spend the day kibbitzing around Uptown, then hit Sebastard Joe's for some cone-age...

While I'm ravenous, how's about I just start my day with a b-k-f-s-t buffet? Famous Dav-Naw. Scratch that honkiness. Campiello? Or just hold off for a few weeks and see if I can get the whole fam damnily out to the Nicollet Island Inn for brunch. (Madre' haven't lived until you've tried their brunch. Oof.) Or take big brother (sorry Moses) Melinite and her hub-hub back to gorge ourselves on Dim Sum? That eel still haunts me.

Q-cumbers has been a pretty hot ticket. Mostly vegetarian. Situated neatly next to an arcade.

Or just go back to Buca and...frassin' mow on eggplant parmesan, lemon chicken, garlic bread and mashies?

Ohhhhh, how I fixate. Whaddya'll think, cutie pies?

* In case yer my other fitness/diet minded individuals, here's your fitness tip for the day:
No. It isn't healthy to adhere to so strict a diet that you completely and forever avoid sweets/fats/no or low-carbs/alcohol...You've got to fool the body. Bodybuilders who've been starving and dieting pre-contest will, a day or two before competing, hit a Baskin Robbins to eat a gallon of Ice Cream. It causes your body to say "What the Fuck!?!?!" And send it into overdrive (Metabolism starts firing hard to compete with the influx of calories/sugars/salts etc...) The same goes for exercise. If you have specific weight goals, don't stick with one or two exercises forever and a day. Fool your body. Go for a 13 mile bike ride instead of a 3.5 mile jog. Do pull ups, instead of pull downs...Fool the body.

Back to food. Can you tell I'm excited about this?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Quick fixes

I went back through the post-a-thon I did last night and made some quick edits/Tightening up. I'm a rambler when it gets too late.

My bad.

The pain show...

Y'know? Up until juuuuusssst this morning I was feeling pretty good about "GMIKFTH"...Feeling good, "body wise".

'Cept I'm faaairly certain I made bad with my groinykins during our outdoor rehearsal. (When myself and the rest of the nincompoops were doing kip-ups one after another. Smart) MD caught me with a nice palm-heel in between my shoulder blades (I kid...I live for that shit, you know this) Trev loosed a fist in my face by accident, I whacked MD harder than I should have performing an arm trap, and I caught CeeG's bony ass forearm with the top of my foot doing a roundkick. And I have this weird bruise in the center of my palm that, for the life of me, I have no recollection where I got it. I'm thinking maybe it was at the wedding. Redwright and I were frassin' poolside 'bout our individual bruisey maladies yesterday like a couple of folks in a retirement community.

So there's your incentive. Go see this show. Our pain, provides your pleasure.

June 3rd. The Illusion.

Monday, May 29, 2006

The Big Blue Moat...

"Himself put up the pool. After you're done doing what you're doing, I have a box of wine...come down to the pool...It's kind of funky colored due to the sewer work...but come down anyway if you can..."

And that, how the big blue pi$$ pool got inaugurated. A few happy, loving people standing in ice cold water on the hottest day of '06 while one half of the WW clan frassed about the lack of pool-filterage. Oh well. He ordered a new one.

The up. And it brings me no end of excitement to envision many happy returns. I even walked there.

Happy short week, y'all...

Farf a bunch of rehearsal...

(This'll need to get you through the week. I'm busy)

"Are you hungover?"
"You look hung ov-"
"Really, shhhhhh"

That was the convo on Sunday. The good people of decided to have a "noon to 4-ish" rehearsal at Calhoun...the day after my attending a celebre'. Ugh.

I jogged, to get the toxins out (Did I mention I was running off of minimal sleepage?) headed toward the lake which was PAH-kud! (Hot weather brings out the naked people) and rehearsed.

1) I brought pic-nic shite. The caterers gave me a shite ton of leftovers from the wedding and I brought it to the cast for snackys. Is that tacky?
2)It was hotter N a bitch out. To the tune of 90 odd degree's. Between the am jog, rehearsal, and the post rehearsal walk I went on? I came home, showered, and passed out. 5pm to 2am...yeesh. I had plans, yo...
3)I beat myself up. ReeK's said: "Try the final fight with yourself. it. See what happens.." So I did. If you wanna see it? Come to the fundraiser on June 3rd.
4) I'm sore today. Big time. Boo-Too sore. Oof
5)Mo-Ped comes home Tuesday. Yay.
6) Oof.

Weddings...and frass

Sats...where 2 begin? My best friend got married.

First I got to the church on time for the 3 hour "photo call". I loaded up best man accoutrements (Water, kleenex, snacks, toothbrushables, etc.) Funny bits would be the fact that in order to pass the time I brought my flask. (Something that his brothers all did...I'm sooo unoriginal. And they are so Irish.) It’s at this point you should know that we started what would be known as the "slow burn"towards drunkedness.

The ceremonial-I cried. I did. I don’t believe that I've never cried at a wedding. Even my big bro' s. Something about what the Fr. said really resonated in me. It made me weepy. So Shup. Proud Proud Proud of both of them. I commented later that the alter Christ was being suspended with cables. Cirque de Lord-ay.

From the church, after it was all like, "official" like, it was off to the caves...for?

Drinking. ( Really, I’ll say it again…how often is it that your best friend gets married, really?)

After the eating and speeches (I’m awfully glad I didn’t imbibe too much b4 hand. Yeah. I made it up as I went along. I’m happy that I didn’t raaaaamble on ad nauseum, but at the same time I'm frassy at myself since I didn't finish it with "May the Force be with you" but we can't have everything, right?) We cut a rug 'til the wee hours (One party foul all night. I was dancing to "They might be giants" when I biffed...I’m grateful that at least it wasn't when I was swing dancing with the groom's mama!) We shut'er down. And afterwards, a few of the wedding party and I hit a local bah for karaoke...a funny sight I imagine...being "those guys" in the sweaty, disheveled tuxes/dresses at a VFW. It took me the better part of an hour to get Ry-Gonns's sis back to her hotel (Guh. My internal GPS shut off at 1:00am.) and finally to bed.

At close to 5am
I. am. very proud of him.
I. am. very proud of her.

And what's, more? I wish to put out there that I can only wish them the kind of happiness that I'd hope for myself...and from a selfish bastard like me? That's a lot. Not as much as I'd like to give. But as much as I can muster.

Congratulations, Ry-gonn and Super-Grover. You both deserve the very, very best.

I did drink a lot. Not pukey mcpukerson, but I am sorry if talked to you and seemed "weird". Or weirder than normal. Or if I forgot to say good bye. Or if I smelled.

Loverly start, to a loverly weekend...

Loverly start, to a loverly weekend... 'Kay ,Since Mopester is outta town destroying Vega$, I figured I'd frass 'bout my weekend shizzle.Weddings.I'm finna break it down for y'all like a fraction.

Friday-Half day for buddies! I met Moses for lunch DT b4 she needed to catch her flight to sin city. It was pretty clear that she had checked out of Mipples and was ready to Gee-Oh. (And baby, you wear wanderlust beautifully) After that it was yard frassin', running, and getting ready for a RE-hearsal.Due to a boo-too traffic accident I wound up at the wedding rehearsal 5 mins late (Much to the chagrin of "Echo" their wedding frasser. More on her in a sec)
Fortunately, I found my way through hurried intro's and the initial walk-through unscathed.

(POF- I learned, very recently with my big-bro's weddin' that planners and families HATE it when they have a "jokester" in their midst. First, it's a high stress occasion to beigin with. Second, they're prolly thinkin' that while you think that you're being clever? You're not really listening, meaning you'll fuck up SOME part of the ceremony. I'd like you all to know -at least those wno know "me"- that I was on my best behaviour, thankyouverymuch...The last thing I'd want is to cause poor Echo frass.)

The rehearsing was short and sweet. In order to ease tensions, I did my darnedest to "mack" on Echo ("Young lady...that is a very fetching shade of toenail polish...if I mightbe so bold and if you're going to the reception, could I buy you a drink???") Fact: Schmooze the 80 year old planner that looks like a cross between Harry Carey and "Edna" from "The Incredibles"? You're golden.

And the rest of the night? Cream cheese.

Buca was delish(Ry-gonn gave me some pretty sweet schwag for best man prezzies...a Bruce Lee Tee, AND a vintage Kirby Spider-Man Tee. I know I've frassed in the past about getting too much "Die Spinne" schwag, but it was still pretty cool.) I schmoozed the servers , getting our party a lil' discountkins (Much to the suprise and awe of Judge Ry-Gonn the senior. I didn't have the heart to tell'im that I didn't do anything, the meal was just inexpensive...still...Thanks Ry-Gonn the senior for dinner...) I babysat the kids- (Go with me on this one: Hands in the pockets, means you're being cool. Hands out of the pockets? You mean business...So the kids dug their cool lessons. And teaching 'em how to dance like Michael Jackson.) So...yeah. I met my bestest friends extendo family. And they were jewels. And funny. Shit, were they funny.

Next? El Wedding...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

"I think we can make it cooler..."

One of the cooler bits about our rehearsal process for the "GMiKFTH" is how organic it's been. The entire cast has been a part of the creative process from the first brainstorming session, continuing through our 'hearsals (Kinda like sketchy comedy...another big ol' love O' mine).

In the interest of time (we have a little over a week to put this b#tch up, folks) we've been falling back on bogarting some of our "all new old cheap moves" from the original run of "Kung Fu Hamlet" (backfist/ridgehand, double-phoenix eye punch, dah da dah da dah da...) So the day b4 we rehearsed our scenelet for "Frucible" last night, I get an email from MD which basically said (in regards to our little fightlet)

"We can make it cooler".

So, we whipped up a lil' sumpthin'-sumpthin' right quick. Well, as quick as you can by 'ographing something on our breakette. Photograph courtesy of Haley, and giving you another reason why I need a camera phone in a big bad way.*

Boo-ya from baby P and Doc... (W/a little bit with the Chad. Who had gas...*)

I do love that gal. Sorry about kickin' yer hand. Just like old times, huh?

; )

*Yeah, a camera phone/recorder in case I spontaneously feel like creating fight choreography. Whatever...P, ya rube.

** Every two seconds it was "prrrrt" coming from him. Swear. And if you wonder why in the last "panel" I'm doing the hand on the tummy thing, it's 'cause I saw "Take One" that Haley shot..which really accentuated that I'm going bald on top. Joy. Just like Sean Connery in "In the Name of the Rose" I am...BALD FRASS!!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

9 2 1

9 TO 1

9 lasts
-last place you were: Chipotle, followed by Sports Authority
-last soda: Diet Coke-ah
-last beverage: I’m tri-fisting water/coffee from this morning/and Diet Coke-ah
-last kiss: Big brother, after rehearsal. We're kissers.
-last movie seen: “What the (bleep) do we know?” . How do you shape YOUR reality, geniuses?
-last cd played: Sting: Dream of Blue Turtles
-last time you cried: I think I got misty watching a movie with some mad acting in it.
8 have you evers.
-have you ever dated someone twice: Nope. I think once is probably plenty for most people I’ve dated. :-[
-have you ever been cheated on: Good. And. Plenty. Thx. Why doncha gimme a paper cut and pour lemon juice on it while you’re asking? Fuck you, Mr. "8 have you ever's" and your nosy self! >:(
-have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Yup.
-have you ever fallen in love: Good. And. Plenty.
-have you ever been depressed: Yes. Boo.
-have you ever been drunk and thrown up: Yes. I’ve even thrown up sober. Weird, I know.
-have you ever hit another person: Why just last night, when Master Dawson got tooooo close.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 states you've been to:
1. NY
2. CA
3. FL
4. MD
5. AZ
6. NV
7. TX
6 things you've done today:
1. Ate a chicky burrito bowl w/no cheese, sour cream, or guac.
2. Attended meetings. Delegated.
3. I too…ate a muffin.
4. Sent condolence-y emails to a friend.
5. frassed
6. Bought knee pads for rehearsal.
5 favorite things
1. Travelling
2. Cooking and Eating
3. Fitness and Fu
4. Theatre
5. Loving, Interacting, and Laughing with people.
4 favorite colors
1. Cerulean
2. Charcoal Ash
3. Merlot
4. Desert Wheat----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 people you can tell anything to.
1. Me fam (Ma, Pa, Ro)
2. Me Friends (Ya know who you are)
3. Me self (I talk a lot to myself. Shup)

2 things you want to do before you die
1. Eat my weight in sushi
2. Get out of debt. Really, truly, deeply out of debt.

1 thing you regret:

1. Getting into debt, and having that second plate of Indian food at the buffet last week. UNcomfortable pants, lemme tell ya.


Did I mention that I’m going to a wedding this weekend?

More specifically, I’m going to be in a wedding this weekend? More specifically specifically…the best man. (Such an arrogant title, in my opinion. I prefer "The Okay Guy"…or maybe something original, like "The Ring Bearer". Heck, even "Sex Panther" would suffice. But "Best Man"? C’mon. That’s a lot to live up to.) So we got the rehearsal, this Friday (Grumblefrass...meaning I'm gonna miss X3!) and the wedding itself am Samstag. Reception to follow, here.

My question- Is it legal for the BM to "fly solo" to the event? (read: Dateless) I think so, since ya gotta be up at the table with the rest of the wedding frassers, and on the whole it didn't seem appropos to bring an inflatable sheep. I’m also startin’ to frass a little about what I’m gonna say at the reception. At RSvP's wedding, I was able to improvise the entire thing which seemed to work. (Much to the chagrin of my sister in laws sister, who’d pre-written hers.) But I had 30 odd years worth of source material to glom from. With Ry-Gonn? It’s gonna be a struggle to "not" make the whole damn thing about ADHD, Star Wars, and his penchant for drinking Colorado Bulldogs 'til nausea sets in.

Although, I’m certain, those topics will find there way in there.

Sketchy Molly? Don’t tell Ryan. I want it to be a surprise….

On the whole, I think I’d much rather be at a spur of the moment wedding in Vega$. While I’m not a particularly huge fan of the city…I think that with the right people and event?

Oof. More fun than disco.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Quick bits...

Is it tacky to bring your own meat to a bbq…if you’ve already bbq'ed it at home? I mean, the curry marinated chicky boobs were just begging to be eaten, and I’m not much of a brat guy.

Okay, so I had a lamb brat. Thanks for the hospitality Feej.

So I ate a brat. Yeah? What?

Mo-Peppa planted a pepper.

I’m wearing earth tones today. No shit, I’m wearing an honest to Goddess brown button down shirt and khaki’s. I don’t think I’ve owned a brown shirt since…oh, 1977…’78? Well, I guess when I was a member of good ol’ Troop 542 I wore one. It was tan, really. Today though? I look like a glorified UPS dude. Sans sexy legs and matching shorts. And b/c I was out on Friday, I never "got the memo" that it's "Casual Week" this week...meaning I coulda wore jeans. Instead of looking like Poopman McPooperton.

I’ve frassed over my underpant peculiarities (Karate=Briefs. Daily=Boxer Briefs. Bed Time=Flannel boxers or just regular old "boxer boxers") I just don’t know why I do that. I get so frustrated with my peccadilloes, I might as well just go commando. Wait, is it 1999 again?

Am I gonna reference dates in this entire entry? 1986.

I’ve discovered a new joy for dinner- Boca Burgers. 3 Boca patties covered with black bean salsa with some chips and you’re good to go! Seriously though? You can’t get me into the bathroom fast enough. Prrrrrt.

Speaking of prrrt. If you call my cell phone, and you have the right number…you won’t disturb any Mexican’s in the loo. If that seems too cryptic for you…well. Tough. Prrrrrt-oh in the Bano…

I promise not to make any further scatological references in this post.

I get an email from MD saying that she wants to punch up our fight a little bit to make it more than just "A couple of moves". I accept these terms and conditions. Now if we can figure out how to effectively do the love scene...wait. This is the "Frucible", right? Not the "Scarlet Letter"? Whatever. They both had Quaker Oatie looking characters.

"Sexpo" was in Mipples this last weekend. Seriously…can we find a less original title than "Sexpo". Sure it’s an attention getter, but c’mon? It’s not like people are gonna mistake it for the "Home and Garden Show". Can you picture it? The poor couple hovering over the merkin booth, thinking that it’s decorative moss?

"She better sleep with one eye open" does not translate into: "You wanna sleep with someone with an eyepatch?"

Monday, May 22, 2006

On Burlap, and Quantum Theory

Yeah, it gets busy some days. Shup.

Last week was literally a veritable whirlwind of action from the get go. Most nights were taken up by rehearsal, where we are at least 78% blocked out for all scenes. Gabe-ril did some coolness by posting a rough preview of what’s to come. Check it out here:

Nothing too fancy pants to write home last week until about Thursday when I took a (wait for it) HALF day, or "Sanity Day" if that’s you druthers. I hit an afternoon class at ‘Fu, (Why oh why are we ending class with plyometrics? Oh, that’s right. My instructor prays for my death. And fuck a bunch of BS, I haven’t jumped rope since I was 15!?!?) Then attacked my lawn which was VIOLENTLY overgrown. (Seriously? I couldn’t make a pass without the frassin’ mower getting all gummed up and jammed. It took nearly 2 hours to mow the front, leaving me no time to jog.)
This all lead up to the inevitable party de-la-bachelor for my buddy Ry-gonn. After getting cleaned and gussied, we all convened at mi casa and headed to Erte’ for nibbles, which for the record…is the bomb shite. We spent a majority of the time trying to get Brett-Muck to be a little more, how do you say, cordial, With our server? No luck. We toasted, we drank, we laughed, we frassed and then decided to hit the DeeT burlesque scene. (What? Stop judging. I ain’t ashamed.) We hit one club which frassed about Daddy-o’s Buddhist cap (Seriously. A "No Hat" policy? I can understand a "No Raincoat" but c’mon.) So we bustled a block and a half over to a place that had more lenient dress code. It was what it was. Strippable. And did you guys know that the women at those places aren’t actually into you? That they’re coming on to you so that you give THEM money? Wow! Boy wasn’t I surprised! Here’s me thinking that I was all cute and stuff while them there half nekky-gals were all saying I was cute and stuff and laughing and stuff and...

Right. Funny man, I am. Not. Thank You.

Frid’s I finished lawn frass and had some lunch w/Dorajar (Indian Buffet is the DEVIL! After plate number dos, I was fit for a coma. Which I was in for the next- 3- hours) After waking up, we hit up the NEMAA Art-A-Whirl with the ‘Bean. We stopped in the Mill City Café (under new management, Thank You) enjoyed happy hour niblets and cocktails (‘Bean was the target of a fly-by pooping from a random bird. Thank GOD it didn't’hit the poor man. Our server/restaurant manager informed us that it was good luck. Yeah, good luck that he wasn’t yawning) Afterwards, we hit up my girl AM’s going bye-bye party b4 splitting to saying another goodbye to Mopeppa’s buddy MM2 at the Bulldog.

Weird. Lotsa goodbyes.

The weekend bode more rehearsal (Yay for finally getting babygirl MD back in the fold…even if she smelled like campfire ; p ) BBQ’s in the Savage Land (Chock a block full of political frassin’. There is something cathartic about being able to frass face to face as opposed to the blind, sterile, heartless void which comprises ‘net frassin’. It just feels better to me.) And returning home, stuffed…again, for some Geisha-Memoirs. Which, for being a pretty movie? Didn’t do much for moooving me. Meh.

Sunday…wait- MORE rehearsal, and finally being able to get a much deserved workout in before checking out the movie "What the (Bleep) do we know?"with some Chinese niblets.

In case you’re wondering? The flick was all right. Interesting, if not a little cheesy, but still a better documentary than if a bunch of talking heads were, well...talking. There was even a Dr. named "prrrrt".

If you’ve been dying to learn about Quantum Physics/Mechanics/Theories "Lite"? This is the movie for you!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Rehearsal tonight was very short, but it provided me with a nice opportunity to catch up with Master Matt (Old Director of KFH) We blocked out a short fight between Oedipus and the Plague, and in spite of being less than three moves it still had us both laughing like nincompoops.

Why? Two words: Ninja's. Roll.


Visit their website. You won't be sorry.

Pretty epic, you've been warned!

I'm growing out a slight beard-able for the Kung Fu Road show, and for some odd reason I started thinking about "Lee Press-on nails". Which morphed into "Lee Press on Beard". Which, uh, morphed into "Lee Press on Pubes".

I don't know what drives me to these places, yet I go.

Friday I had a fairly leisurely evening after working a long-assed day. I received a weird phone call from an olllllllld ex geef which was a little weird? (I couldn't rightly tell if it was a case of "drunk dialing" or what. Just that there was a lot of re-hashing that I sort of blew past. Whatever. Y'know, she's been married to her hub-hub for 7 years now, which was kind of weird to think about.)


Doo-Looth! And you know something? In spite of the shite weather, it was an awesome mini-vacay.

Moses and I headed up Nort' dere after a quick stop at 'Bucks for a quick snackie bkfst. There were ponderables pondered, Paul Simon was listened to, and much roadkill was passed before hitting our final destination at the Superior Dayshing. (Tres' convenience? An attached...Embers. WITH bar. And our room even had a wall sized mirror. Shup.) After dropping off our gear and getting acclimated, we stormed DT Dlth to find niblets and activities.

Funny side note: I am convinced Mopeppa can find an Indian restaurant anywhere in the world, and not just India. For some weird reason, my Spider Sense told me that she was going to have a jones for Indian food at , but rather than voice it which would have seemed rude- I kept it to myself. WELL, wouldn't ya know that Mopeppa found a couple of Indian places on the ride through downtown. "INDIAN FOOOOOD! THEY HAVE A BUFFFFEETTT!" Put me in hysterics. Seriously though? We could be in Hibbing and she'd find "Bait Shop and Curry".

We opted for Baja Billy's, btw. Margies the size of your head. (If they offer you an extra shot for a $1? You may wanna skip it. They don't actually mix it in your drink.) and a joyful server. I would love to see their faces when they read our restaurant review. After stuffing ourselves, we checked out the brewpub downstairs where we were assaulted with a veritable googleplex of beers! After getting chummy with the deeerunk peeps next to us (They were a delightful, if not sauced, couple from SLP. Moses convinced them I was a pacifist, which later came up in conversation "I know yer like a 'peace guy'..." We also found out that he wasn't that big a fan of musical theatre. Really. "Even when they were punching and kicking each other they were shinging" Yeah. Funny.) Before we left he gave Mo his phone number so she could get together with his wife. I'm not entirely unconvinced that they wanted us to partake in camper shenanigans near Lake Okoboji.

Probably just with Mopeppa. I'm never wrong about these things...

After drinking strong ale, we decided to hit the Fond-Du-Luth casino to try our luck, when on the way we saw two important things:

One: A man was walking down the street with sweatpants so tight it gave him camel toe.

The second, was this: I cried. I guess that It was a little surreal/overwhelming to be standing across the street from where it happened.

The casino sucked.

We split back to the Hotel in order to take a pre-hot tub nap and after said sauna/hot tubbing, we were frassin' over where we'd get dinner: The Chinese Joint across the street. (Due to all the rain, we had to cross Buckleberry Ferry in order to get there. Ya wanna know something? For a Chinese restaurant, there was a slight deficit of anyone working there that looked remotely Chinese!) After stuffing ourselves (again) we passed out at 11:00pm, where we both suffered fitful and disturbing dreams. Okay, the part where I was in the middle of an orgy with 6 out of 7 of Hugh Hefners girlfriends was okay. If you're wondering about the 7th one? She was sooooo stupid that I couldn't even have a conversation with her w/o getting dumber myself, so she wasn't invited. A case of serious anti-boner with her. One of the ladies was actually really cool! Into collecting comics, loves sci fi.

What? Hey, it's my

In the am, we broke our fast at the Embers (Where the waiter was mackin' on the Mopeppa. Girl got allll the action, lemme tell ya. ) which was great 'cause did you know that in WI you can order BM's, Mimosa's, and Screwdrivers with breakfast? THAT was promising.

Then we went home. Well, a quick stop at Black Bear Casino (aggregate time spent in casino's? 10 minutes. No, I'm not kidding.) and Urban Harvest...then home.

Sorry about the epic nature of todays blog. But, it was an epic trip, and just what the doctor ordered. I shouldn't feel restless for at least another 5-6 business days, right?

Friday, May 12, 2006


I was told that I sounded "joyful" on the phone the other day, and I guess if you back tracked to some of my posties that happened around mid to late January you'd probably guess why. (And no, that's not to say I'm a depressive all the rest of the year, but this? This is still pretty fun and cool.)

"Great Moments in Kung Fu Theatre History" started rehearsals the other night, specifically scene # 1 called "Oedipus the Kung...Fu". After the briefest of drama when Jennybenny, Kathman and I were stuck in the Illusion stairwell. ("Which stairwell are you one?"/"It says 'blue stairwell'...where are you?"/"The red stairwell. Can you get there?"/"I hate you Gabe") it was aces. Just like old times, actually. Well, with one exception- Ro, Rob, and I were frassin' with the 'ography ourselves rather than having it already be in place...but eeehhhh.

It was still pretty feckin' cool. And I've started in on a whole new messa bumps, bruises, and floor burns. You can keep up with the mess here. By the way? That guy? Is wicked flexible. We call him "Mr. Tricep Flippy-Flippy". And I get to take his butt out, "Ong Bak" style.

So, if you campers are free/don't have a show/and want something in the same hilarious vein as "KFH", come spend your hard earned money ($15 bucks/ little man/ put that shit/ in my hand) this fundraiser is for you. Reception to follow.

June 3rd 8pm. the Illusion Theatre, Minneapolis. I fucking love kung fu.

(ps: How can a show not be cool when you get a rehearsal schedule that says "Tuesday, 6-8pm. Oedipus vs. the Ninja". Okay. Sorry. Geek time is done.)

"Gold"en evening

If you're in town, and really want to see in incredibly enjoyable production, go see "Twilight of the Golds" at the MN Jewish Theatre ( It was heartbreaking and hilarious all at once and 'Bean, Mopes, and I had a wonderful time. I'd say more about it, but really? You should just see it.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Shouldn't days off be stressless? (Part One)

Like, anti-stress?

I took my VE-hickle into the shop to get some car frass accomplished. After the ransom the local chain auto repair held over me last year, I decided that any future repairs would be accomplished at the garage of "our guys". You know, the guys who your parents swear up and down are the best mechanics anywhere, and that won't screw ya? Heck, these guys'll even give you a quick lesson on what happened to your car, how to prevent it in the future, and will even identify an issue over the phone to see if you can fix it yourself. So for all intents and purposes: a trustworthy mechanic.

I headed out to BC in the early a.m. fully expecting a ride from my papa (who I'd spoke with the previous day to verify that playing taxi was cool.) I figured that my car frass would get addressed, and I'd have the opportunity to spend the day with my folks, and help them with some needed manual labor. Fair trade.

I dropped it off, explained the issues (Difficulties engaging transmission when placed in reverse) and puttered out to the street corner to wait for pop, w/his obligatory coffee and danish.

Fast forward about a half an hour when I'm almost halfway through my book, and my Ma calls to say: "Why didn't you call this morning to tell your father when you were leaving Moseph's?".


We kept the frass to a minimum as I tried to explain that Dad and I agreed to meet there at 8am, and (no) I'm not waiting any longer I'd just hoof it home.

So we fast forward yet again, to a couple of hours of house frass, an hour long drive out to Delano to drop their s#it off, we BS about all things nautical ("Dad...I think I'd like to own a pontoon"/"No you don't...those things flip over!" We P's rule through fear.) and a beautiful drive through Medina listening to some of pop's old war stories (He needs, NEEDS, to write a book, people. I gave him some homework to write down the names of 10 of his most memorable cases to start. Crafty, I am.) Finally, we returned to frass a little more...

Mom showed up, and she and daddy-o started dicking and frassin' at each other from the get go(They have a lot of shite to move, folks. It seems a little overwhelming at times, I imagine.) After another few hours of labor (This time, crap to go to my house with. Funny that, it's almost like they're trying to pawn of the remaining stuff on me. "Hey guys...Did I agree to take the lawn edger? I think I have one alrea.."/"No, said you'd take it, so take it!") We moved the Lion Statuaries (Heavy, Heavy sumbitches.) and finally, between their frass, the manual labor, standing around topless trying to get some sun, I realized that it was almost 2pm and I hadn't heard from the garage. So, I called the shop to see what the problem was:


Nada. Couldn't find it. He recommended I throw in some JB's Tranny Cleaner which should do the trick, and didn't even charge me for the diagnostic. Sweeeeeeet.

Annnnd the end?

So by the end of the day, I was famished, but I thought that it was getting too close to dinner to want to eat anything filling. My parents are NO-torious for wanting to feed me, and typically not a cuisine that I'm particularly fond of, like Culvers. (With the exception of the Greek Barley Salad he'd made earlier. I had a bite. A couple. Enough to have him shout my full first name from across the room when I went in for another fork full.) Anyway, they've been chomping at the bit to buy me dinner, and after mentioning to Dad that I was gonna stop and grab a bag of pretzels or a sammy on the way home, he frassed and said he was gonna take me to a "sit down" place for dinner. Never mind that I'd been frassin' in the garage and yard all day, was covered in dirt and dog hair, and had forgotten my belt (Which caused me no end of frustration, as they were my old grubby jeans and have this propensity to depart my waistline when they feel the urge. Which is always. Which meant I was continually trying to keep them hiked up.) So yeah, I wasn't at my prettiest. And Dad was already tearing ass home to get mom.

I follow him back, and frassed that I didn't really feel like eating a sit down dinner at their favorite diner, and he frassed back:

"You're making me angry right now. I've been trying to get you have dinner with your mom and I at a restaurant for ages and you're saying 'no'? 10 minutes ago you were starving? Are you bulimic?" (Insert Mom: "Anorexic, dear. Bulimics puke. Are you puking, sweetie?")

"Guys, please..that's not it at all. Mo's coming over for dinner in about 1.5 hours, and I don't really feel the need to have something to mow right before we eat. I'll grab a handful of nuts or something to tide me over in the meantime. Let's make dinner an enjoyable night when we're all clean and frassless. Cool? Gardens of Salonica sound yumster? Greek?"

The threat of dinner seemed to cool their jets a bit. They told me I had a lovely lawn, and were proud of the work I'd done. Mom was jealous that the Lion statuaries were living at my place now, and I assured her she can stop over any old time to say hi. I even named them Sigfried and Roy.

Wow. Lengthy, I know. All this to tell you that my car is ready for a weekend road trip 4 buddies, and that I now am the proud owner of two lion statuaries.

Do a drive by...they'll fuck your shit up if you mess wit'em.

Okay, so...

I'm late. Sue me.

Let's see:

Friday was fun and frasstastic. Hit a bidet party in St.Pipples in the mid ta late evening before retiring for the night.

Sats was a reunion of sorts, where I was able to hook up with some of the KFH peeps again for a read through of "Great Moments in Kung Fu Theatre History". Hilarity. I can't wait to be able to get back on stage to do it up (Even though I don't think I'm being allowed to beat the crap outta MD in any of the sketches. BTW- Keep your calendar's open the evening of June 3rd. One night only peeps. And it's a fund raiser, so bring your coin-footballs. We rip on Oedipus, The Crucible, Waiting for Godot...think about it. )

My personal favorite moment of the meeting wasn't when we did the actual read through, rather it was when Gabey Buck Buck asked if one of us (MD, RSvP, or my self) would mind fighting with one of the newer cast member. I don't think you've ever seen 3 peeps turn heel, drop their coats/sunglasses/keys, kick off their shoes, line up, and just...stare. (RSvP: "Which one of us does he want to fight? Did you mean fight-fight?")

We're Ninja-compoops.

The rest of the afternoon was spent lawn frassin' and dear Lord...I'd forgotten how much I didn't miss it. 'Bean set out to pluck out the dandies in the yard, while I took on the massive task of mowing that bitch. And it waaas a bitch. 6 bags worth of long wet grass. (And with these recent storms? Hooo, boy, I'm probably gonna have to mow again on momma's day)

Mopes stopped over to hang out w/me b4 a dinner party while I whupped up a couple of red curry marinated chicky boobs on the grill. (I'm a food-prep freak. I make food ahead of time, it's what I do. Blog material for later, wait and see) One of the BQ jets didn't come on, and when I lit it the flame came out the side in a big WHOOMF! (Singing off a majority of my forearm hair in the process. Once again, Fire: 3, BabyP: zero. And btw? My burnt arm hair, reeks.) The dinner party was wonderful (Veggie lasagna w/portabello mushies, beet salad, etc. Ugh. I was stuffola'ed) and we popped over to check out the Scrimshaw show at the BLB where dorajar lost her sketch comedy virginity. Her parents were kind enough to hook a brother up with some herb. (Rosemary, Parsley, Basil, and yes...thyme. Stop. Singing.)

Annnnd my roommate had his b-day. Happy Birthday 'Bean! (Mark your calendars, folks. He's not getting away with not telling me, next year. Buh wah ha ha ha ha ha!)

Sunday was another great a.m. of delicious brefkist (Scrambled egg beater's with tomato, garlic, and...wait for it: Fresh Basil.) More lawn frass, errands, and the Callboard Softball game where dora and I pick a nicked, and did a spot of heckling and jeering. (In spite of my best efforts to come up with a rallying cry* or a mascot dance that was acceptable, the Knights still went 0 for 2 for the day.) After the game, moses and I went for a lazy assed walk around Nokomis to burn off the sammich before hitting Sonny's for a scoop of crema ice cream. (Settle down, bitches. I earned that mo-fo) By the time I got home with the intention of napping for buddies before going to another friends b-day, I ended up sleeping past 10:30pm...forcing me to leave an extremely apologetic voicemail for my girl. I'm a bum.

So there you have it. Chock a block full weekend. I think future weekends are going to be reserved for more "me" time and for projects going forward. Wait. That's not true. THIS Saturday I'm getting the frass outta Dodge, and subsequent weekends are going to be planning (wait for it...)

The wedding of one of my best friends. Cripes. New blog. What I'm a gonna do for his bachelor party? (I kid. I'll tell youse guys later)

*I think the best cry I could think of was "Daaaaavid Hasselhoff". And my psyche out babble to the other team was "Sugar in the gas tank, Howie....Sugar-In-The-Gas-TANK!"...

I'm nerdy.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Someone was frassin' online regarding "what exactly does 'Frassin' mean?" Well, I'll tell you like I told her.

The origin:

There was a group of us that used to email back and forth to alleviate the boredom of our workdays. Meme's, fun links, jokes, etc. Once, one of our members couldn't open a particular link and replied to "All": "I can't open the wav. file! Rassin' Frassin' Wells Fargo FIREWALL!!!" I like it and abridged it to just "Frassin". So now it's sort of a universal and generalized expletive/noun/verb/whatever.

In a bad mood? You're feeling frassy.
Got work to do around the house? You've got some house frassin' to do.
Kids around and you (maybe) can't say "Fuck"? "What the frass is going on here?"
Having a conversation with your roommate over beers? We were just frassin' 'bout life.
Do you like Warren Beatty? Maybe you've seen "Splendor in the Frass"?

Okay, the last one is dumb, and I'm weird...but there it is.

Frass. *

I kinda think it's cool how it's evolved and found it's way into folks vocabulary. I've got bosses, new hires, co-workers all using it. My folks have even dropped it a couple of times. Try it out for a while. Move around a little bit. Helps me.

Copyright by Baby P.

*It could have been worse. I could have tried inserting the Hamburglars "Robble Robble" into popular lexicon. Robbbbble.

X can cook.

Which I'd been warned about.

But damn. That was a really good dinner. And a lot of laughing. And a lot of time spent swinging in the back yard. And today, my hands are covered in calluses.

And I am really frassin' tired. I think a night off is in order. (yawns) Good thing our executive Vice President gave the company Starbarf's gift cards as a reward for our 1st quarter earnings.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

P.O.F #1 *

*Point of Frass.

The fridge here in the break room at my office (Remember? The break room called "The Pantry" which I wanted to defile and have it read "The Panty"? Ugh...I get bored) So anyway, in an attempt to maintain cleanliness, facilities management (i.e. the Gestapo which doesn't allow plants/lamps/"garish decorations" like...oh...a huge stuffed Spider Man- in the office) well, good ol' "FM" sez that EVERY Friday, they will clean the fridge out completely. So, you sure to get your shit outta there toute suite by 6pm, Friday night. So people have taken to writing what can only be described as pleading messages on their food, like "Please Please Please don't throw away my shredded cheese." Riiiiiight. Personally, if you'd have seen the condition of the old fridge, you'd have to agree that it's a pretty good idea. 400 people leaving their foodstuff for Goddess only knows how long, can get pretty foul.

Problem is, they've been listening to the pleading messages, and saving the food. Meaning that more and more people are leaving these notes on their lunches and snacks, and giving the rest of us poor slobs little to no room for our yogurt* or baby carrots. Some motherfucker actually brought not one, but TWO 1/2 gallon jugs of milk. 2 %, no less.

Milk. Obviously for, oh, the bowl of Kix they're going to enjoy at their desk...right?

Take your shit home on Friday, like everyone else. Or for fooks sake, Facilities....get on the ball.

* Some dork ate my yogurt yesterday. Not like, "Oh...I'll just take it back to my desk and eat it" noooooo, this individual actually put it back- half eaten. I thought it felt a little light when I brought it back to my desk. And did you know that the cafeteria sells yogurt too? For $1.59 a pop?

Hell's no. I'll starve before eating their bourgeouis yogurt.

P.O.F. #2

My co-worker who has been out of the office for a week (On vacay in Utah and Colorado) tells me this story:

"I came home and tossed down my bags, when I was overcome with a horrible smell- Skunk. I'm creepin' around, thinking I don't wanna surprise is in case it sprays! Nothing upstairs, so I slooooowly open the basement door and I no sooner get onto the first step when I see it sleepin' in the crawlspace not two feet away: Mama and her babies! So now I gotta skunk problem, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do!"

"Maybe you could cover your body in garbage bags like the kids at day camp who couldn't afford poncho's? You know, duct tape off the area's where there are gaps, and then where like a hockey helmet and some heavy gloves?"


"Buddy? This is why I live in the city"

I've worked in the 'burbs too long. Anybody got a cubicle gopher job Downtown that pays well? I'm a "creative type". "High Energy". "Team Player".

You let this guy know.

Monday, May 01, 2006

For those that can appreciate the truly random

(Concrete sequentialists may wish to avert their gaze. This is gonna seem waaaaay to tangential for a lot of people)

My friends, this should give you a sample as to why ADHD/Random Talkymeats like yours truly are not to be treated lightly. (I’m way too frassin’ weird to be hung out with, let me tell you. )What I want to provide you all with is a free-form dump of what is going on in my brain right this second. You have two seconds to turn away.


If I have lentil soup for lunch, will it make me farty tonight at karate?
The spinach I put in is a little wilty, I should probably get more, tonight
Maybe when I’m at the gro-gro store, I should get some sushi for dinner
Those policy accounting ladies were looking at my ass
Okay, I scheduled a massage, a car appointment, and called the Credit Union. I just need to call State Farm.
I’m probably gonna need a couple hundred more lbs. Of dirt for the front and side of the house
Should I buy that digital camera that was on sale? 5.0 megapixels at that price seems pretty good
I need a new cell phone
Shit, I need to call the travel agent too
What do I really want for dinner?
Do I have time to take a nap?
I want to finish "Capote" and "Ong Bak" tonight, but karate will definitely make me need to table one of those.
I want to re-watch "Batman Begins"
My neck’s killing me
N0 2 is the bomb
I want a kiss
Chinese sounds good, but it always sounds good
Broccoli florets. And Asparagus. Am I ambitious enough for bernaise?
Phone bill, Gas Bill, Water bill…all due
I’m gonna need to hit Rosedale again. Fuck
I want a softball mitt
I should buy hockey skates from Play it Again
Is tomorrow too soon for more Indian food?
I think this new polo shirt is way too tight. Or is it just me?
My hair is getting long again, thank goodness
I need a vacation
I have to act drunk without seeming drunk. Great. Actor Homework
Do I need to stop at the LQ on the way home? Nah, save your $
I need to remember to talk to ‘Bean about dinner and Twilight next week
A boca burger, that’ll be dinner.
Lots of frassin’ on the Callboard today.
I think that they are mad at me. Stop.
Go for a jog, clear your head.
Yoga after massage. After
I just want to sit down and read.
Make a grocery list
Hand out the CSR reports
Inter-office Tim my extra "Nidi" name badge
Ugh. Butt Sweat. Too much tabasco in the soup
Should I lift tonight and jog? Is it arms/shoulders/legs. Definitely jog. Too much food this weekend.
Call mom and dad to get the albums, lions, and chair. Also edging. And drain tubes.
Fuck a bunch of rain
She looks like a guy.
What is he wearing?
Who are those people doing side by sides?
I should wash that knife.
Tomatoes, Spinach, Fresh Basil…it’d be so much easier with an herb garden
New Mexico
Go jog. Stay Hungry
Arrange the tv room
I want a bigger TV
I should make appt's to the doctor and dentist
3:45 yet?
I can't remember the last time I ate pizza
Why isn’t anyone answering the phones?
Where’s my boss.
I can go to karate tomorrow over lunch too.
Oh, shit, it’s my late day tomorrow. I can watch all of the movies.
I need to sign up for stand up
I need a new car
I wonder how much OT I’m allowed this week.
Definitely need a nap
I should call Lattery and see how he’s doing
I’m glad Steve stopped over last night. I wish I could have hung out longer
What 2 DVD’s should I buy with that gift card?
That felt really good. Ugh.
When’ll this rain stop?
I need to finish the walkway. Ugh. Concrete is on sale at Menards
Plants/Flowers. What goes with tulips? Wright said "annuals" didn't she?

This is pretty much what’s flown through my head in the last 45 minutes. Welcome to my world.

Who has two thumbs...

And didn't do dick this weekend? This (Thumbs to self)

After all the productivity and frass stemming from last weekend, I think I was entitled to a little R and R. To quick re-cap:

Friday: Ry and Mopes came over for some movie-age and Chipotle. ("Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" anyone? I think I may use a couple of monologues for next years unifieds. "Balls, Balls, Sweaty balls...") Annnnnnd, sleep.

Sats: Work/Fu/Run/Annnnnnd. Nada. There was a nap. Some minor house frass. Mopes came over for Indian Food (Seriously. Is there anyone reading this who doesn't like Indian Food? It's so frassin' good! I picked up some curry paste and basmati at my last trip to the gro-gro just so I can try whuppin' up some home made Indian Goodness. Incidentally, the Chutney grill serves some tasty shite.) "Guffman" (Christopher Guest, IMHO, is a frassin' genius) And actually made it into bed by 10:30pm. I'm aging like cheese.

Sunday was another brunch for buddies at Key's where I had an omelette that was the size of turkey pan. ("Where's my hash browns? Oh...they are IN the omelette. Oooookay. I get it now") And even though I had planned on helping my folks frass around their house, I was waylaid by a frickin' stiff neck that seemingly no amount of heating/icing/ibuprofening would alleviate. Which meant one thing. Couch time.

We plunked down to have a movie marathon ("The Pornicles of Pornia"which turned out to be a really enjoyable movie. Rent it if you haven't seen it.) before hitting the ' Mill for a read through. (I was treated to the most underwhelming salad...ever. Iceberg lettuce is the Devil)

Then it was home..."Ong Bak", and bed. By 10:30pm. I am the lamiest lamester in lamesville.

I attribute this to the fact that the non-stop rain brought me into a mental coma, the likes of which demanded participating in as little activity as possible. Except shop. That I did. I needed pants.