Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Quick snow frass...while it's topical-

So we go from balmy to a$$tastic within 24 hours. Full Force Blizzard ge-dumpin'. It isn't much of a surprise, since historically we always get whacked with a snow-job during MN High School Winter tournament season (Boys and Girls Hockey, B-Ball, etc) Therefore, if historically you have experienced a thing, you are able to anticipate the thing, thereby eliminating a majority of surprise. Logic in action.

My frass was born from the fact that, since I was in elementary school, I've never had a "Snow Day". Whether it's K-12, College, working in Corporate America...My one snow day came after 10/31/1991 when we were ge-dumped with biblical level snowdrifts. (See, even city officials say things like "When the motherf#ckin' snowplows get stuck, it's time to cancel some s#it.") I mean, we live in MN...Hello? Snow? And maybe they were just being pu$$ies, but the weatherpeople and radio heads were all singing the same song: "Don't frassin' drive. Bad Idea Jeans"

So what do I do on this snow day? I drove to work. Even though my (normally) 25 minute commute was stretched out to a little over an hour and a half, I still went in to work. Even though there was literally Zero visibility for a majority of my drive. Even though the snow was not only blinding, but wet and heavy too. Even though street signs were covered and I nearly missed my exit. In spite of the fact that I drive like a champ in this weather (And Peggy, my purple Saturn, handles like a dream. She made it up hills without sliding and everything) The renewed frass came when the roads started getting cleared up. Then the temps dropped. So we have very slippery roads. Very.

And driving back home after my voiceover bit for Pro Rata in the early pm, I hit an icy patch in front of the convention center, spun about (Missing another car by yes- inches) , and got stuck in a snow drift. I was pissed. As I was getting out of my car, I was surrounded by 6 guys (Some CC employees) who said "Get back in, we saw it happen, we'll rock you out..." and before you can say "Motherfrassin Snowbank" POP I was free. And my samaritans were dispersing as if nothing had happened. That felt good. Good to be free again.

In related news, I stopped in the Stop N Go (No "A" or "D" necessary in the word "And". N is fine, thank you) for some soda, and became engaged in this bizarro theological discussion with the colorful cashier. (Seriously? And Dorajar will attest to this, he is something else. If you can avoid it, don't get him started...'cause he won't stop. Ever.) That night, maybe b/c of my near miss experience I felt like chatting with him. And we did, for nearly 30 minutes. We talked religion, altruism, love and the capacity for human beings to love one and other. How we need to all take long looks in the mirror before casting judgement, and how we have become a blame-centric society ("Folks're always pointin' tha finger at someone or something: Video Games, Music, Movies, TV...Whut're the parents doing about it? Where's mom and dad?" We even touched on Karma, which he didn't subscribe to but I happen to think what goes around comes around. (Just don't go looking for a reward if you do the right thing, dig?)

And then another customer entered, so I left.

I knew when I got back home that I had my work cut out for me with the drifting (My walkways were covered in nearly knee deep snow. I had to dig, lest the Texas Jellybean get stuck walking to the front door!) My neighbor, while I was inside getting bundled, took the liberty of plowing out the sidewalk block. (Maybe for my shovelling his walkway the past couple of light snowfalls) We chatted, and I said I'd get him back if he wanted. When I finished the back yard path and got all the way to the garage, I saw that someone from the city plowed out the area where our driveway would be- Freeing access to the garage. My back and I were grateful.

So, as if to appease karma (And, you know, the timing just worked out this way) I helped dislodge not one, but 2 cars that got wedged in the icy snow berm in front of the house next door.

And, I went inside...and went to bed.

I just heard that we're expecting 6 more inches overnight. (sighs)

The High School Tourney's will be over soon.


Portana said...

I spent 2 hours shoveling the driveway free of knee high snow drifts just to get to my car. And wOOt! we get to do it again tomorrow.
My back hurts...
avjswzs-adjectives were zelots (issues from an english teacher)

P said...

That's your "Welcome Snowstorm"...(I'm just glad it didn't hit when you guys were heading out here"


wbsbgod? Wubsbagoda? Sister city to Albertville?

P said...

The Jellybean shovelled my walk this was all good.

He was almost gleeful about it. It was impossible to frass.