Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wooooo, getting lazy!

So much to blabber on about the weekend...

First, some quick frass:

My terlet handle broke on Friday night when I came home from work. Normally no big deal (I'd go downstairs) but w/the roomie situation as it is, I'm also the makeshift landlord that needs to make sure everything works. (Lord help me if and when a major catastrophe happens...knock on wood. broke) So I tried to jerry rig it since I had to get my buns out to fight on Friday. After a long night the night before, and before, I figured I'd take a power nap/bounce up/and head to 'Fu.

No such luck.

The phone ringing woke me up at 6:15pm (Class is a half hour away, at 6:00pm. It's disrespectful to walk in and be like "Hey guys? We gonna whoop or are we gonna whoop?") It was my dad, who talked to me about taxes and toilets for another goodly hour. Company was arriving soon, so I knew that a run (The night was just GO-jus) was going to be out of the question unless I could get to the Depot for a replacement part, toute suite.

Depot for part? That was no problem. Figuring I should quick like a bunny run over to Target to grab something? Big Problem. Oh no, not a spending problem. It was the big puddle I drove through to park my car.

Which was half ice. (I thought it was melted)

Which, upon exiting my vehicle, caused me to do this sort of...hitch kick sorta thing in front of me and go down ker-SPLAT in a hand plant. (Thankfully, and really, this is my only consolation, no one saw me. ) It hurt. My wallet went flying out of my inside pocket I went down so hard, and so I'm scrambling trying to grab my petty cash and CC's which were in the puddle. Not good times.

I get into the Bullseye, and I'm picking bits O' gravel out of my palm when I turned my wrist over to notice that blood was pouring down my arm. (Not the whole "quick, suck on it and no one will notice". It was free-flowing) so I had to be all stealthified and warsh up quick before anyone noticed.

I got in and out toute suite (Not before grabbing some liquid skin) and got back to fix the terlet and prep for company.

Sats was a busy day of work, fu, groceries, lockouts, scrambling like a fiend to find my '04 Tax info and cleaning up the Georgie hairs b4 heading here w/Mopes to meet my 'rents supper. Community meals were shared (Say it with me...P's are pickers) meter's were plugged (I probably didn't need to worry about missing my jog. I must've ran out to feed both meters at least 3 x's) We headed out to meet some of her out of townie buddies in Hamel, so we took a side trip to Sunset's to kill a half an hour.

Things not to do: Order wine without consulting a wine list. We would have been better off walking out on that tab. 2 glasses equal how much? Yeesh.

We went and visited, and made the determination that the movie "Most Valuable Primate" is of the worst...films...ever. See, it's a monkey? That plays hockey....yeah.

(By the way? Do you know how I know that I'm a grampa? I was in bed and snoozing by 10:00pm. On a Saturday. Yeesh.)

Sunday brought "Brunches for Buddies" at the Rock where dreams were discussed and dissected-Then Taxable goodness/Manual Labor for the 'Rentals the rest of the day. (Lot's of "'re going to have to pay in. No,'re getting a little back. No...gawdammit, you ARE paying in...Wait...I forgot to add this form...Nope, you're up shit creek Mad Dog..." I love it.)

And what was next? That's right baby. MN Wild Hockey. Dorajar and I headed out for some icy goodness, which was actually pretty exciting despite the fact that we lost. We rode the escalator to Wonka-ville (Um...I figured 2nd level meant the one right above 1st. Notsomuch. We went up 4,000 feet. I think Sherpa's were hanging out with oxygen tanks, you know?) We watched the midgie midgies play hockey in between periods, overheard some intense banter from the jersey-wearer's, and ended the night with a lil' post Wild Perky-goodness. (Sorry baby...I promise you'll see me eat a hot dog at a Twins/Saints game. Someday.)

And now? We are back to another full week. My body is feeling mendier, so I'm going to get back into jogging outside to take advantage of the pretty temps. A pretty full week, all told, including El Teatro' (I'm Jeune Leuning and Heaping of the Slag. Not every day I get to hear my own voiceover. Hell, I'll probably never do voice work again...I may actually boo myself.) Fu'ing in the Wires (Seriously? 2 weeks since my last visit. If it wasn't my body, NATURE was my enemy)

Rambly return post. Happy first day of Spring everyone...hope y'all have a grrrrreat Monday! Remember: "Today is the First Day...of the rest of the week")

(I totally forgot to blog about this in all of my busy-ness, but dinner on Thursday night was bombastic. Eat at Tum Rup Thai if you like Thai Food. Go. It burns...oh Dear yes, it burrrrrrns. )

Do you know what I hate? I got up all extra early today in order to stretch out, get to work early, so I could leave a little earlier? I found out that I'm training new hires until 4:30pm.

Looooong day today.

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