Thursday, March 23, 2006

V for go see it...

I think that both "History of Violence" and "V for Vendetta" have safely washed away the nasty taste left in my mouth after "Ultravile-ass".

I think that if I was to describe the movies in one word (And how they affected me)

"Thoughtful" (Not to kipe MD's description of Baby P, but you know...)

I'm not really sure why "V" had that impact on me. I didn't think that it was "message heavy" (Although Ry-Gonn was all up about "This has so much meaning NOW"...well, yeah but it was based on a graphic novel that came out in '89, so I kind of felt the meaning is sort of...ongoing?) I liked it because it discussed the power of idea's, and hope. I liked it b/c it referenced Dumas.

I liked it because it made me wanna

"HoV" was brilliant b/c of the thoughtful performances. There was just so much going on with all of the characters- Nothing was too "weird", or over the top. Not a hint of camp. It was like plate tectonics, you know? You would see subtle shifts in these people and who they are/were...Just...a really good movie.

And ladies? You see Viggo's booty.

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