Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Well. I normally get easily distracted, but this borders on the ridiculous.

After an invigorating jog, I was all frassed up and ready to go to wire fu last night, when the roommie and I had a heart to heart. We've been dancing around our own personal "bullet points", and we finally were able to address a few of them. (No gang. Nothing juicy. Just "us" stuff.)

I'm a big fan of being a communicator (Say it with me guys: "Be a communicator") I think that it's far more important to get shit out and off your chest/conscience then to let it stew and boil. No, you aren't always going to be able to articulate yourself as wonderfully as you like, and sometimes you aren't always going to enjoy what you hear. But it's so much more important than sitting on the thumbtack which is the issue.

So if you got something to say, say it. If you don't know how to say it, figure it out.
Yes, it is that easy.

Worked for the 'Bean and I...

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