Monday, March 27, 2006

Magic s#it...

Liquid skin is some magic shit. Georgie Kitty took a big old chomp out of my hand after a spot of roughhousing last week. (Which is kind of cool, seeing how the cut actually starts at the top of my "life line" and extends it by about 3/4th's of an inch. At this rate, I'm going to live to be 107!) Anyway, liquid skin just drip drip drips on and seals the wound- (Which is awesome for owies that fall on frassed up area's that won't get covered well by a band the corner of your hand, or between your fingers.)

Except that it smells terrible. I catch a wiff of it every so often and it's just, grody. Like, accidentally getting gasoline on your hand grodie.

I realized that there's other magic shit in the world, like Indiglo. Where do they get that magic shit?!?! Liquid Smoke? Febreeze?

Obviously I get way too excited over stuff like this. Or the fact that Soopah Target sells crab and dressing stuffed Salmon...


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