Monday, March 27, 2006

Sealed with a Mushroom Stamp...

Okay, let's see if I can sum up: This will probably seem awfully boring, but I swear it was a very enjoyable laissez faire weekend. And I feel great today as a result.

Friday night after workin' out, I met Mopes, Carlton, and 'Dino at Herk's for app's and 'tails. A relaxing evening to be certain, but my method of mixing coffee and cocktails to keep down cost/being potentially "off center" backfired and I wound up being up until nearly 3 am. (Not always necessarily a bad thing when burning the midnight oil, but I felt the next a.m.)

The above made for a sheissty work day on Saturday morning, when I sat there staring at my PC going "uuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh". (How is it that I have a hangover headache when I only had 2 thingytails? The answer? Chuck Norris, and the carafe' of coffee I knocked back) I was, thankfully, able to split early enough to get my taxables done* (I thought being a homeowner had it's own rewards, like huge returns?) get home, naplet, joglet, and start up pre-show dinner.

Mopes showed up at 6pm and we kibbled and bitsed with the 'Bean, before hunkering down to baked salmon, garlic mashed, broccoli goodness. On the 2nd glass of veeno, I figured I'd check to see what time the show was (reasonably confident I was looking at a 8pm curtain.)

7:30pm. Frass. At least I had the foresight to check at 5 minutes to 7pm so we could bolt in a reasonably harried-less fashion.

The Heap of Slag was pretty good. (Mopes liked it better than I, where my only thought was that the disjointed narrative was a little too far removed to help us understand the relationships as well as I wanted.) A quick shout out to Gabe, who plays the most convincing...what is it G? Hindi? Ojibwe? PAKISTANI!!! That's it...I am SUCH A Eurocentric Pig Dog. (You did well Gabe. Ladies? He has his shirt off, and he has a nice chest. Another plugski.)

Afterwards, we bolted over to Nye-age for Melinite's b'day party, and the largest assortment of Giant's (Men over 6'7" lie) and clones (How many, I repeat, how many ladies could be in one spot that all seemed to be vying for the "I wanna look like Jessica Simpson" award? It was mysterious!)

Thanks for staying late to BS with us Mel. And happy 100th birthday. Your card was indeed sealed with a Mushroom Stamp.

Sunday was brunches for buddies, and we met up with Bri-Bri at the Diner of Uptownliness for eggs and frass. I heard about Business Plans ("I have a business plan"/"PLEASE Mr. P! That's not a business plan, that's a recipe for Chicken Cordon Bleu!") Bumped into Tatters and the (sniff) closing Theatre Antiques before heading off for BM's in the Roseliville area. **

I FINally picked up a new pair of outdoor trainers (After doing my 7th favorite pasttime of hitting all the heavy bags at Sports Authorable's) so I think that the old NB's can safely be retired. (I'm hoping that the new shoes will alleviate some of the back frass I've been experiencing)

At soopah Target, Mopes went 90 on a big red ball.

After all that moving on what was a BEEyootiful Sunday, it was back to the Casa Del Postle for "real" Bloody Mary's/X-Men/and Chiiiiinese Food.***

Which probably explains why (even though I was in bed by 10) I was BOOM awake at 4am. And didn't go back to sleep. So I stretched and lifted and drug my buns into the early.

'Kay- Longest and most mundane post in an age, but really it was an enjoyable weekend. Like, Taylor's Fall's lackadaisical enjoyable. And I think I really needed the re-charge.

Busy week of 'Fu, Screenplay readings (If you ain't busy on Tuesday night, stop on out), Frass, and a gathering for the 'bean...

*Dad called me "Hollywood Thin". "Not just look...thin" Whatever. I had bad coffee bloat.

** Chain Chotchkies type restaurants have the s#ittiest BM's ever. Doi, I know. But don't advertise a "Spicy" Bloody Mary and have it come out tasting like watered down V8.

BTW- Spicy V8 is the bomb, BM or not. AND it's healthy...bitches.

***Note to self- The magical expanding portions that they serve at the 'Dragon can be enjoyed over a period of several days. Meaning Baby P shouldn't always feel particularly compelled to demolish the ENTIRE fookin' thing. That was a lot of food.

No wonder I couldn't sleep.


Melinite said...

Thanks for the card, and the drinks, and for showing up. It occurred to me that I didn't actually introduce you to anyone else who was there. I blame the whiskey. :) Glad you had a good weekend. We did Poor Man's Brunch at our place on Sunday--where everyone comes over and brings part of breakfast. Cheap and fun!

owuef: Beowulf's first girlfriend

P said...

I'm finna do po'man's brunch too: Om's with feta/spinach/green peppers/tomatoes...maybe even heart shaped waffles
