Monday, March 06, 2006

Quick Monday Frass...

The exit I get off to go to work in the morning let's out onto a 45 mph street. This street, is punctuated by 4 stop lights before my final turn off to my building. It's bad enough that all 4 lights are all on timers, and the timers uuuuussssually take approximately 3-4 minutes to switch. (And eternity when you are in the car. Waiting)

No, what's worse is when you start to get "up to speed" and the light turns red just as you get up to about 40 mph, forcing you to slow immediately down.

And then it does the same thing, for all-4-stop-lights.

I swear there's a fucking gnome, watching from a hidden camera just for people like me.

Other frass-

Pouring the hot water from the dispenser by the coffee machine and a little scalding water splashes on your hand. For, Ouch.


Melinite said...

This morning I thought I would miss my bus, so I hurried to the bus stop. I got there with time to spare, but I was overly warm in my parka. Then when I got on the bus, the only seat available was right next to the heater. Ooof.

My boss wonders how I can stand it being 58 degrees in my office. After the 9000 degrees of the bus, it feels pretty good!

sszrpsp: when you're too warm to even say, perspire

P said...

Ugh. When I was in Boston for a conference, I had to go meet some mucky-mucks at their office which (I was told) was walking distance. It was a little over a mile, and even though it was November in Boston I was suh-WEATING balls by the time I arrived at the reception desk.

She actually handed me a bottle of water and asked if I was okay.

The liaison felt so bad that I had hoofed it (In dress shoes no less...My fecking feet were killing me) he took me out for booze. Booooooze.

uxupsago? Help me out

P said...

'Nother frass-

People who come around a corner going full-tilt, nearly crash into you, and then don't apologize.

fcusihgg- The profanity I mumble under my breath after avoiding a near collision.