Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Sorry for being so frasstastic yesterday. This here is a "Justification Of my Frass"* Read on, if'n you're curious. I'm not real big on being a bitcher...so yeah. Here it is.

There's been quite a bit on my mind lately and much of it stems from some personal maladies I've been dealing with. Nothing life threatening or overtly debilitating...

See, I've been a little sore. Sore since about, ohhhhhh, December? > : (

It started with a case of sleeping the wrong way, then waking up with a stiff neck and shoulders. No big whoop, right? Goes away in a couple O' days. Except it didn't, really. Sort of, comes and goes. I imagine it means I'm going to wind up needing to buy either a new mattress or one of those new fangled mushy space pillows...but for right now I occasionally get a stiffie from the base of my skull down through my trapezius and into my posterior and anterior deltoids.

So there.

I was getting a wall stretch i class 3 weeks ago and when my right leg went up into a front kick stretch I felt a little, how shall I say, yaaaaawn of my hamstring that hasn't really gone away.

And then there was that bookshelf moving incident with dad from last Sunday.

And getting kicked between the shoulder blades at the Junction.

I noticed I was having a shitty time trying to turn my head to the right or left when I was in a fighting stance.

And every time I got out of a chair after seeing a play, or movie...being prone for a long time? I'd get up with a "dad grunt" ("Oooooof")

I went for a jog last night to warm up before going to wire fu when I noticed by the, ohhhhh, last 1/3 of a mile I wasn't feeling like I was in the zone. It was more like every step I took went "boom, boom, boom" (in spite of maintaining "good running posture") and my right hammy was, for lack of a better word...tricky? Again.

I know. Wah.

I think that I maintain a pretty smart attitude about health and wellness. I believe that there is a balance between the healing power of the mind (Being able to push yourself beyond your own physical limitations or infirmities to become healthier or stronger) and being able to listen to your body. That balance, is not always easy to maintain.

When your body rebels, it can have a detrimental affect on your mental health. Same with diet. (Get it now?) You normally use higher octane fuel, then switch to the 87 grade, you're bound to get a case of engine knock. Of when you get a pinched nerve in your back, it can make your feet hurt. We have a wonderful machine that we move around in.

Conversely your brain can cause your body to shut down. A cloudy day affecting your mental attitude can make you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. (And that's just bad for posture.) Stress and lack of sleep can cause physical illness even if you don't come in contact with someone who is sick.


What did I do about it? I took a nap. And post-joggy soreness, took an Ibuprofen (which I had been avoiding for days). I talked to some friends. Took a shot of NyQuil. And was in bed early.

And today? Feeling peaches and cream, baby. Peaches...and...cream. Wearing a fetching sweater that I'm practically swimming in, it's-ah so-ah beeeeeg.

And I'm looking forward to tonight, where I can finish up some more projects in my room. Go to the Bullseye and May-nards.

And tomorrow night...where I'm having some delicious healthy Chinese food and laying aroundm, watching movies with someone I love very much.

And Thursday night...where I'm spending time with more friends who I love very much, & who I haven't seen in what feels like ages.

And Friday...if I feel all right...Fight?

And Saturday...where I am going to a birthday party for more friends who I love very much...and who I have not, in fact, seen in ages. And eat Indian Food. Yee-Hamaste...

And start a new week, afresh.

So yeah. It's all good in the 'hood.



P said...

Which class can you kick people in?

Unknown said...

What you need is a nice hot chick to massage it out for you :)
If you can't find one of them to come to Chan and fight on Friday night, I am sure I could kick it out of you ;)
Hope you have a great week of relaxation and fun, your body will appreciate it.

Portana said...

Why do you think I have taken the last oh, 8 months off from running? My body was PISSED at me. But 'tis spring and I am getting the urge again. Gainfully unemployed, I can go for a run now and then.

And yoga=good. Let Mikey try it.

pqasqjs=sounds like a town in Wisconsin

P said...

MD- I don't have a deathwish. People are going to start thinking that you want to destroy me.

(And you should come back out to BC...We can mow Indian food next to the school and you can tell me how much it sucks)

MeeP's, lover...Of course that was for you. XXXOOO

pzudogyz: Pseudogynecologizt?

tallen said...

probably be joining you in the achy department on friday... i'm hittin' the gym today after work for the first time in a while. the sad thing is... i feel the need to hit the gym because of the fact that i'm achy already. i've lost my stretch... never a good thing...
come 5:30 - think of me and my elliptical :-) i'll need all the good vibes i can get!

P said...

All I ever do is think of FeeJ at 5:30pm on her elliptical...

: )